Social and Cognitive Revision Cards


Flash cards testing knowledge on: Milgram, Burger, Sherif, Badelley, Sebastian and Hernandez-Gil as well as all theories involve with each psychology.
Rachael Biggin
Flashcards by Rachael Biggin, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachael Biggin
Created by Rachael Biggin over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Identify features which caused conflict between the two groups. Competitive games, differential rewards, the tug of war and the baseball game.
Name and describe the 2 states of behaviour in Milgram's Agency Theory. Autonomous State - people direct their own actions and take responsibility for those actions. Agentic State - people allow others to direct their actions and pass of the responsibility.
Describe the results gathered by Burger from 2009 experiment 'Replicating Milgram'. 70% of participants in the base condition went to continue after administering 150V. In the modelled refusal condition 63.3% of participants also went to continue.
Name the 3 factors from the Social Identity Theory which impact social influence. Strength Immediacy Number
Explain the theory behind Sherif's research. The Realistic Conflict Theory, involves the social processes which occur between groups. An individual's thinking can be influenced by the process of the group they belong to. We have an inbuilt tendency to favour for the group we are a part of.
What was the aim of Baddeley's study in 1966? The aim of Baddeley's study was to test the role of acoustic and semantic factors in the long-term memory, with the short-term memory properly controlled for.
State the capacity, duration and encoding of the Short-term memory in the multi-store model. The short-term store has a capacity of 7+/-2, this information can be held for up to 30 seconds. The information is also visually and auditory encoded into our memory.
Name the 4 parts to Baddeley and Hitch's, Working Memory Model. Central Executive Visuospatial Sketch-pad Episodic Buffer Phonological Loop
Describe the procedure used in Sebastian and Hernandez-Gil's study 'The Development of Digit Span'. This stud involved participants recalling digit span sequences correctly in order to improve the length of the sequence. Digits were read out at a rate of 1/second.
Describe the two individual tests which H.M and KF completed. HM did the mirror-trace task which involved him tracing a line between two stars by only looking through a mirror. KF completed the digit span task. Results show he had a DS of 3/4 when the digits were visually presented compared to his DS of 1 when verbally presented.
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