Voc V (144-197)


vocabulary ALWCS
Toni Sandoval
Flashcards by Toni Sandoval, updated more than 1 year ago
Toni Sandoval
Created by Toni Sandoval over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ALWCS /// Toni UPHOLSTER "He UPHOLSTERS himself in his uniform, poquets his loupe and tweezers, rolls up his white gloves" (173). verb UPHOLSTER = dress "He DRESSES himself in his uniform, poquets his loupe and tweezers, rolls up his white gloves" (173). E.g.: I UPHOLSTER (dress) my dance outfit.
ALWCS /// Toni DANDRUFF "The assistant director sweeps his left hand through his hair and releases a blizzard of DANDRUFF" (175). noun DANDRUFF = dead skin in a person’s hair "The assistant director sweeps his left hand through his hair and releases a blizzard of DEAD SKIN IN HIS HAIR" (175). E.g.:When I'm stressed, I have DANDRUFF (dead skin in my hair).
ALWCS /// Toni CRIMSON "Who looks away, crimson" (177). verb CRIMSON = Flush "Who looks away, flush" (177). E.g.: I CRIMSONED (flushed) when I saw her.
ALWCS /// Toni FLEETING "The breath of the boys pulses out before them in a collective FLEETING cloud that is stripped away quickly by the wind" (193). adjective FLEETING = evanescent "The breath of the boys pulses out before them in a collective evanescent cloud that is stripped away quickly by the wind" (193). E.g.: I could feel the FLEETING (evanescent) vanilla smell in that room.
ALWCS /// Toni WOBBLING "He stands, WOBBLING" (195). verb WOBBLING = trembling "He stands, WOBBLING" (195). E.g.: I was WOBBLING (trembling) when I finished my workout.
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