First Aid Critical Question 1


Higher School Certificate(HSC ) PDHPE (First Aid) Flashcards on First Aid Critical Question 1, created by ashcroftr on 27/04/2016.
Flashcards by ashcroftr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashcroftr over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is first aid? The initial care or assistance of an injured or sick casualty
What are the 4 "P's" which highlight the main aims of a first aider? Preserve, Protect, Prevent, Promote
What is the main priority of a first aider? Your safety
What are the 4 main strategies used in a first aid situation? Situational analysis Priority Assessment DRSABCD STOP
What are the steps of situational analysis? 1. Identify cause 2. Identify surrounding dangers 3. Identify any possible dangers 4. Identify available resources 5. Send for help 6. Identify available first aid equipment 7. Take precautions
What are 4 steps that can make the emergency scene safe? Assess the situation Remove immediate danger Prevent further danger Be calm and controlled
What does a basic analysis plan involve? 1. look around 2. analyse 3. number of people 4. assistance
What are the 5 steps of priority assessment procedures? 1. establish responsiveness 2. if unresponsive get medical assistance 3. ABC's 4. prioritise 5. simple measures
What does DRSABCD stand for? Danger Response Send for help Airways Breathing CPR Defibrillation
What is the purpose of the head tilt and jaw lift? It assists in opening the airway
What 3 senses are useful when checking for breathing? Listen for breath Look for chest rising Feel air from mouth or feel chest rising
What is the ratio for CPR? 30:2
What does the acronym STOP stand for? Stop the person moving Talk to the person Observe the person Prevent further injury
What is CPR and what does it stand for? Chest Compressions and Resuscitation CPR is a life-saving skill which increases chance of survival
What is CPR designed for? It is designed to circulate the blood and deliver oxygen around the body when the heart has stopped working
What are 2 main causes of cardiac arrest? Heart disease, SIDS
What are the management steps for external bleeding? 1. Pressure with pad or bandage 2. Raise injured part above heart and support 3. Bandage wound 4. Check circulation below wound 5. Call 000 6. Treat for shock
What are some warnings when dealing with external bleeding? Wear gloves DRSABCD if unconscious Do not remove embedded objects Do not apply torniquet
Why should you wear gloves when dealing with blood? Because serious diseases such as HIV and Hep B can be transmitted through blood
What are the differences between bleeding from capillaries, veins and arteries? Capillaries: blood oozes and clots quickly Veins: even flow and dark red Arteries: spurting and bright red
What is shock? Shock is when the body isn't getting enough flow of blood
What are things to look for when dealing with shock? Nausea Thirst Dizzy and weak Blueness around lips Restlessness Fast shallow breathing Pale cold skin
How do you treat shock? 1. DRSABCD 2. Reassure 3. Raise legs 4. Treat any other wounds 5. Loosen tight clothing 6. Maintain warmth 7. Small frequent amounts of water 8. Monitor breathing 9. Recovery position
What are some signs and symptoms of spinal injury? Pain at site of injury Loss of sensation or tingling in hands or feet Loss of movement
What steps are different between and conscious and unconscious casualty with a spinal injury? You should never move a conscious casualty unless necessary while the main aim with an unconscious casualty is to preserve life and moving may be required
What are the 4 different types of emergency lifts? - Clothes drag - Human crutch - Four handed seat - Two handed seat
Why should situational analysis be conducted when managing a first aid situation? Situational analysis assists the first aider in understanding what has happened as well as ensuring the scene is safe for themselves, the casualty and bystanders
Identify the priorities for treatment at an emergency scene 1. difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, mass bleeding, spinal, stab wounds 2. broken bones 3. external wounds
Why do certain injuries and illnesses take priority over others? Because a first aiders job is to preserve life the more severe injuries need to be dealt with first as those casualties have a lower chance of survival
How would you assess if a person is conscious or unconscious? Squeezing the person shoulders and speaking loudly to them
Discuss the importance of DRSABCD in assessing and managing a first aid situation DRSABCD is highly important as it gives the first aider the opportunity to assess the casualty and assists them to undergo the correct actions quickly and efficiently
How would you apply the "O" in the STOP regime? Observe: observe the casualty and their injuries Look for signs of distress or pain, whether they are in an unusual position, whether there is swelling, bleeding or bruising and whether there are any deformities
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