Elements - Flashcards


Basically a brief of eleMENTS
Rawan Ibrahim
Flashcards by Rawan Ibrahim, updated more than 1 year ago
Rawan Ibrahim
Created by Rawan Ibrahim almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are atoms? They are the building blocks that make up every substance.
What are elements? They are substances made of only one element.
What are properties? THEy are a unique set of characteristics that identify the substance.
What are the two types of groups elements can be broadly classified into? Metallic and non-metallic
What are some examples of metallic elements? Aluminium, iron, mercury, gold and silver.
What are some properties of metals? - They are shiny - Good conductors of heat and electricity - Can be bent and hammered into sheets - Can be stretched into wires
What is the only non-metal that is liquid at room temperature? Bromine
What are some properties of non-metals? - They are dull - Do not conduct heat or electricity - Break or crumble when you bend them
HOw are ash and charcoal formed? By burning a piece of paper or wood.
How many known elements are there? 118
And how many of those known elements occur naturally? Only 91.
What are the different ways atoms can be arranged inside an element? They can exist as; - Single atoms - Clusters of atoms - Grid-like structures
What are some examples of physical properties? - If the element is a solid, gas or liquid - How well it conducts heat or electricity - Can it bend - Does it break is a force is applied to it?
What is monatomic? An element that consists of just single atoms.
How many monatomic elements are there out of the naturally occurring ones? Only 6.
What is the name for the clusters if two or more atoms bonded together inside an element? Molecular.
Why is carbon considered to be unique? Because it can form very large molecules of almost anything.
What is the percentage of the known elements that are metal? 80%.
What are crystal lattices? A grid-like structure of atoms.
In metal lattices, is the atoms bond weak or strong? Weak. That's why they can be hammered and bent into whatever shape.
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