Cold War


Running up to and during the Cold War. European emphasis.
Flashcards by alexandramunns, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alexandramunns over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1941 Cold War related The West August 1941 Atlantic Charter signed by GB and US
1943 - Cold War Related The West May, 1943 British Froeign Secretary Antny Eden puts forward idea of 'Inter Alied Armistice Commission' 03 September: Armistice with Italy signed, GB + US reps present. USSR excluded from peace talks.
1943 - Cold War related Direct contact / conflict 28 Nov-1st Dec 1943 Teheran Conference attended by 'The Big Three'
1944 Cold War related East August 1944, Warsaw Uprising Red Army do not aid Polish Home Army. Warsaw all but demolished by Nazis.
1944 Cold War related East September 1944 East: Romanian Armistice negotiations Molotov secures sweeping political powers for USSR. GB + US reps. silent
Cold War related 1944 West October 1944 Greece is liberated ELAS resisted until British troops in Athens. Exiled Gov. reinstated -G. Papendreou cooperates. ELAS: paramilitary wing of communist party KKE.
1944 - Cold War related Direct contact / conflict October 1944 Percentages Agreement between USSR and GB Settles postwar their postwar influence over East + Southern Europe
1944 Cold War related East October 1944 Josip Broz Tito leading the Yugoslav communists enters Belgrade. Coerced into a coalition gov. with exiled Yugoslav government by USSR
1944 Cold War related West December 1944 Italian Communist Party (PCI) become anti-fascist under Toglatti. (PCI leader and vice-President) Greek gov. backed by GB occupying force demand dissarmement of guerilla armies (ELAS...) Athens demonstrations - intense fighting.
1945 Cold War related East n' West January 1944 Liberation of Warsaw by the red Army 11th Ceasefire between ELAS and GB
1945 Cold War related Direct contact / conflict 4-8th February Yalta Conference = 12th February #Crimea Declaration Poland's future, postwar Germany, Agreement on principal of national self determination.
1945 Cold War related East Spring 1945 Red Army round up an deport up to 40,000 Polish Home Army guerillas (unit 12) April 1945 Stalin "Everyone imposes his own system so far as his own army can reach"
Cold War related West / direct contact and East April 25th 1944 River Elbe Germany - US and Red Advance units meet. April 27th 1944 W. Churchill speech after meeting Soviet + US troops emphasising "comradeship between Allies and the joint goal of defeating Germany 30th April 1944 Tito, Yugoslav commis liberate and occupy Trieste (It) port.
1945 Cold War related Direct contact / conflict 7th May 1945 Germans officially surrender. Fighting ceases next day. 5th June Allies assume supreme power in Germany. Allied Control Council Established in Berlin
1945 Cold War related East 12th June 1945 Tito (Yugo) retreat from Trieste placed under joint Anglo-American-Yugo military admin.
1945 Cold War related East June 1945 Communist Party officially registered in Eastern parts of Germany (then others) 15th July Formation of four-party anti-fascist bloc in East Germany
1945 - 1946 Cold War related June-December (1946) Direct contact / conflict Rapid demobilisation of US, GB forces and Red Army
1945 Cold War related - closer now direct contact / conflict 17th July - 2nd August 1945 Potsdam Conference. Tensions between Allies. Churchill and Roosevelt replaced by Attlee and Truman Arguments of Poland and Soviet activity in Easter Europe.
1945 Cold War related direct contact / conflict 17th July - 2nd August Agreement on four-power occupation of Germany (and Berlin): de-Nazification; democratisation; demilitarisation and decartelisation. Germany should remain 1 State with commn economic policies. Reparations to be sent from western zones to USSR.
1945 Cold War related West July-August 1945 Social Democrats (SPD) become active in western zones of Germany
1945 Cold War related Direct contact / conflict + East 7th August 1945 France joins Control Council August 1945 USSR launches nuclear weapons programme 3-10 September 1945 Land reforms begin in Soviet zone
1945 Cold war related West 21st October First POst-war elections held in Framce. Women vote for 1st time PCF (commi fr)win 26% MRP (Christian democrats) 24% SFIO (socialist) 23%
1945 Cold War related East November 1945 Red Arm leaves Czechoslovakia 11th November Elections in Yugo Tto and Commis overwhelming win 25th November 1945 Austrian elections, commi party just 5% - marginalised.
1946 Cold War related (the beginning?) direct contact / conflict December - February 1946 Terrible winter in Europe massive food shortages in western Germany and refugee crisis.
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