

hi my name is ahgsdvASHKgdbfcvaj
Flashcards by hi my name is ahgsdvASHKgdbfcvaj, updated more than 1 year ago
hi my name is ahgsdvASHKgdbfcvaj
Created by hi my name is ahgsdvASHKgdbfcvaj almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Com Pounds
what are compunds substances made of lattices or identical molecules with two or more types of atoms.
what is immiscible? liquids that do not mix.
miscible liquids that can mix.
what are mixtures? any combination of two or more compounds.
what are alloys? mixtures of metals with other metals or non metals
what are some commom compounds? water,vegetable oil, candle wax.
what are gaseous mixtures? any two gases that can be easily mixed together.
what are liquid mixtures liquids that can be easily mixed together.
what are colloids? when a solid doesnt dissolve into a liquid they form colloids.
what is a supramolecule? a large molecule made up of smaller molecules designed to perform a specific task.
what are some alloys? stainless steel, brass, solder, sterling silver.
what is the scientific name for beach sand? silica
what is beach sands chemical formula? Sio2
is watermelon a mixture? no because its a fruit not an atom
how many elements are our bodies made up of? 16
what element is our body mainly made of? oxygen
what is the chemical formula for sodium chloride? NaCi
what is h2o water
what is the chemicsl formula for carbon dioxide? co2
but what does it mean? 1 carbon and 2 oxygen
what is a compound? a substance made up of more than one type of atom.
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