Business WJEC CBAC


key words
Maitha Al Rumaithi
Flashcards by Maitha Al Rumaithi, updated more than 1 year ago
Maitha Al Rumaithi
Created by Maitha Al Rumaithi over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Basic Needs Things that are essential for existence
Consumers People who buy goods or services
Goods Physical object that can be bought for a price
Profit The difference between the selling price and cost production
Services Non-physical products
Wants Desire to obtain goods
Market Forces The forces of demand and supply which help to decide the price and control what should be produced
Market Putting buyers and sellers in touch so that an exchange of goods of services can take place
Chain of production The various stages of production
GDP Gross domestic Production
Primary Production Getting raw materials
Secondary Production Processing raw materials into finished goods
Tertiary Production Distributing and selling goods
Interdependence The dependency of businesses upon each other
Specialisation Businesses or people who concentrate on one particular activity
Ent-re-pren-eurs People who take risks in developing new businesses
Tender An offer to do a specified job at a stated price
Enterprise A willingness to try out new ideas
Factors of production Land,labour,capital and entrepreneur ship
Infastructure The human-made environment
Private Sector The part of the economy which is controlled by private firms and individuals
Public Sector The part of the economy which is controlled by the government
Sleeping Partners People who lend money, to a partnership for a share of the profits
Franchisee A person who pays an initial fee and royalties
Franchiser A firm which allows another person to use its products and to trade under its name for a fee
Royalty Payments A percentage payments made for the use of another person
Dividends Annual payments made to shareholders for each share they hold in a company
Limited Liability Limiting the financial liability of shareholders to the money they have invested
Private Limited Company A firm whose finical liabilities are limited to the amount of money they put up by shareholders, its shares cannot be sold to the public (LTD)
Shareholders People who have bought shares in a company which gives them a share in the ownership
Public Sector Organizations and businesses which are owned and controlled by the government
Market Share The proportion of the total sales of a market that a business holds
Objectives The aims of a business
Venture Capital Company A firm which invests money in other companies
Niche Market A segment of the market
Multinational Large conglomerates which operate in many companies
Stake Holders Internal or external groups which were affected by the activities of a business
Variable Costs Any cost which changes according to the number of goods produced,
Breakeven The relation of income and costs to the amount produced
Breakeven Point The point at which the cost are equal to the amounts of sales
Capital Money or assets
Market Research Getting information about consumers
Primary Data First hand information
Secondary Data Information which already exists
List The Fours P's Production, Price , Promotion, Place
Test Market A trail launch of a product in one area of the country
Product Life Cycle The phases a product goes through from its introduction to its final decline
Cost-Plus Pricing Fixing a price by adding a percentage to the cost production
Market-Oriented Price A price which is determined by the whole range of factors in the marketing mix instead of by the cost-plus of a product
Penetration Price A price which is set low enough to allow a firm to enter a new market
Price Plateu The level of price that consumers expect to pay for a particular product
Skimming Price Changing a high price for a new product while it remains unique
Batch Production is created stage by stage over a series of workstations
Flow Production Continues production of a large quantity of items
Job production Making a single item at once
Quality Control Inspecting samples of goods to see that they are up to a firms usual standard
Capital Intensive Machinery that are expensive to buy by a company
Downsizing Dismissing employees to cut costs
Redundant Job roll no longer needed
Appraisal An assessment of an employees work which is usually made by a superior
External Recruitment Finding a suitable recruit out side the company
Internal Recruitment Finding a suitable recruit inside the company
Induction The process of introducing new employees to the firm
External economies of scale Cost-saving benefits which arise when similar forms are located near each other or when a whole industry set up an organisation to take common action
Greenfield Site Farm or waste land used for building new towns
Industrial Estate Factory sites in selected areas of towns
Census An official count of popluatiopn
Pressure Groups People who band together to try to change attitudes of firms.
Tariffs Custom duties (tax)
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