Section A Statistics


Flashcards on Section A Statistics, created by achsah brown on 31/05/2016.
achsah brown
Flashcards by achsah brown, updated more than 1 year ago
achsah brown
Created by achsah brown over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
By what percentage did industrial production increase because of WW1? 39%
Name two European countries the USA loaned to in WW1. Britain and Italy
What amendment gave women the right to vote in federal elections? 19th Amendment, in 1920
Who led the suffragette movement? Alice Paul
How much did Harding's Budget and Accounting Act cut govt. expenditure by? 1/3 - allowed him to cut taxes
What was the name of the act that gave aid to support maternity healthcare? Sheppard-Towner Maternity Aid Act
Harding pressurised US Steel to introduce a working day of how many hours? 8 hour working day
What was Albert Fall's position in govt.? Secretary of the Interior
Which amendment banned 'intoxicating liquor'? 18th Amendment, 1919
What percentage of alcohol content was defined as 'intoxicating liquor' by the Volstead Act? 0.5% alcohol
Give an example of a company that supported Prohibition. Heinz, Rockefeller Corporation
How many gangland murders were there in Chicago in only 4 years? 227
How many convictions for gangland murders were there in Chicago? Only 2 (for 227 murders)
How much did the Anti-Saloon league estimate would be needed for enforcement of Prohibition, and how much was allocated? $5 million needed, $2 million given
What percentage of alcohol coming in to the US did one Prohibition officer estimate was being intercepted? Only 5%
In one instance of dodgily brewed alcohol, how many died in NY? 34 people
Which amendment effectively abolished Prohibition? 21st Amendment, 1933 ('effectively' because just made it the states' decision)
What was alcohol consumption before Prohibition, and what was it during Prohibition? 2.6 gallons/person/year to 1 gallon
Who was the media star that was jailed, prompting self-censorship of Hollywood? 'Fatty' Arbuckle
What percentage of nationals living in the USA in 1910 did the Emergency Immigration Act limit immigration to? 3%
What was the absolute ceiling for immigration established by the Johnson-Reed Immigration Act? 150,000/year
What was the title of the racist tract by Madison Grant? The Passing of the Great Race
How many workers were estimated to have gone on strike in 1919 (Red Scare)? 4 million, or 25% of the workforce
How many arrests in the Red Scare (Palmer Raids)? 6000 (most completely innocent)
Name the Governor of Indiana who was a Klan member. Edward Jackson
What did KKK membership peak at? Over 4 million members
What was the maximum unemployment rate during the boom years (1922-9)? 3.7%
What was the maximum inflation rate during the boom years (1922-9)? 1%
By what percentage did real wages for industrial workers rise 1914-29? 14%
How many times more did US industrial workers get paid compared to their European counterparts? 2 or 3 times higher
By what percentage had GNP risen by the end of the decade? 42%
Which 3 years did the Republicans lower taxes? 1924, 1926, 1928
By the end of the decade, what was the biggest industry in the USA? The motor manufacturing industry
How many did the motor manufacturing industry employ? Around 4 million directly, and many more indirectly In all (direct and indirect) 10% of the workforce
What did the price of the Model T fall to (from $950)? $290
How often did a Model T roll off the production line (after new mass production methods)? Every 10 seconds
How many cinemas by 1928? 17,000
By the end of the decade, what percentage of cars were bought on credit? 75%
By the end of the decade, what percentage of household appliances were bought on credit? 50%
What was the income per capita in the North East (1929)? $921 (highest in US)
What was income per capita in the South East (1929)? $365 (lowest in US)
What was income per capita for anyone involved in agriculture in South Carolina? Only $129
How many female dentists in the USA? Only 150
How many female accountants in the USA? Only 100
By what percentage did women receiving a college education fall by in the 1920s? 5% (No progress, actually decline)
What percentage of farms were estimated to be operating at a loss? 66%
Why did the McNaury-Haugen Bill not become an act? Vetoed twice by Coolidge
For every 4 businesses in the 1920s, how many actually succeeded? Only 1 out of 4
What percentage of the population was estimated to be living close to subsistence in the 1920s? 80%
What was the name of the clauses that employers used to ban workers from joining unions? 'Yellow dog' clauses
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