

A study guide for Boroughs
Aidan Raynor
Flashcards by Aidan Raynor, updated more than 1 year ago
Aidan Raynor
Created by Aidan Raynor over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the Boroughs situated around? The Boroughs were situated around a Lord's castle because they had protection and there were already peasants, serfs and freemen living there.
When did the Boroughs start? The Boroughs began to pop up around the start of Large-scale commerce in the Middle Ages.
Who ran the trade? The Bourgeoisie were the heads of trade in the Middle Ages because they were former merchants that got rich and formed their own form of government and a social level.
How did trade begin? Trade began in the Middle ages when fairs and markets became popular in the Middle Ages. The fairs where held at tournaments of the knights. Merchants that sold food and other goods found that this was a good way to make some extra money.
How rich were the Bourgeois? The Bourgeois were so rich that they could buy the Lord's castle from him!
What system did the Bourgeoisie make in the Boroughs? The Municipal system
What were the two different trade organisations in the Middle Ages? The German Hans group and the ????
What were Guilds? Guilds were like unions that were of one trade and they had one guild master.
What were money changers? Money changers were people who converted money usually for Merchants who were travelling a lot during this time.
What did money changer later change into? Bankers
What was another form of money in the late Middle Ages? Checks
When did the Middle Ages begin and end? The Middle Ages lasted from around 1050 to 1300.
What caused the Economic expansion in the Middle Ages? - Rapid economic change to medieval Europe (trade) - Innovations in agriculture
The clearing of land and new agricultural technologies led to: - Higher food production - A rise in population - Greater economic freedom
What is the 3 field system? The 3 field system is when a farmer leaves 1 of his 3 fields empty to build back its nutrients.
When were the windmill and the water mill invented? 1200 century
What were Lepers? Lepers were people in the Middle Ages that carried a disease called Leprosy. Leprosy is caused by poor hygiene.
How did the economics in the Middle Ages benefit from the growth in population? The economics in the Middle Ages benefited from the growth in population because there were more people making more crafts like blacksmiths or seamstresses.
What is urbanization? Urbanization is the growth and expansion of a city.
When did the Boroughs grow? In between the 10th and the 13th century.
During the rise of the Boroughs and the Bourgeois did the feudal system grow or weaken? Weaken
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