Psychology - stress


Flashcards on Psychology - stress, created by Eva Hammond on 20/02/2014.
Eva Hammond
Flashcards by Eva Hammond, updated more than 1 year ago
Eva Hammond
Created by Eva Hammond about 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Selye (1936) GAS model - alarm reaction stage - resistance stage - exhaustion stage
Tyrell (1981) People born without adrenal glands don't produce adrenaline in stress response, must be given adrenaline to survive stress
Mason (1975) Different stressors produce different levels of chemicals = psychological processes determine stress response
Kiecolt-Geiser (1984) Blood samples of students, month before or during exams - NK cell activity greatly reduced
Glaser et al (1992) Effect of social support - given hepatitis-B during exam, those with greater social support, lower stress = higher antibody response
Marucha er al (1998) Punch biopsy on students during exams or summer. During exams took 40% longer to heal
Segerstorm and Miller (2004) Meta-analysis of 293 studies, found acute stressors boost immune system
Russek (1962) Heart disease in high stress doctors and lows stress doctors - 11.9% to 3.2%
Sheps et al (2002) Stress inducing tests to participants with heart problems. 44% who had erratic heartbeats died in 3-4 years
Brown and Harris (1978) Women who suffered chronic stress more likely to develop depression
Melchoir (2007) depression and anxiety in 1000 men in NZ - 15% in high stress jobs and 8% in low stress
Stueve et al (1998) Stressful events linked with depression and anxiety not schizophrenia
Diathesis-stress model To develop disorder must have biological vulnerability to disorder. Stress can trigger onset of disorder
Holmes and Rahe (1967) SOCIAL READJUSTMENT RATING SCALE - 43 life events measured in LCU
Rahe et al (1970) Gave SRRS to 2700 military men before tour of duty, positive correlation with illness score during tour of duty
Micheal and Ben-zur (2007) Found people who'd just been divorced (LC) had lower levels of stress
Lazarus (1990) Major life changes rare in most people, Daily Hassles have a greater effect
kanner et al (1981) HASSLES SCALE Positive correlation with illness, better indicator than SRRS
DeLongis et al (1982) Done each month for a year - Hassles scale - Daily uplifts - SRRS - health questionnaire = Hassles correlation with ill health
Flett et al (1995) Studied amount of social support people would seek/receive. Daily hassles greater negative effect as less social support
Baron and Ransberger (1978) Temperature on stress - Cases of violence increased by high temperatures
Marmot et al (2002) Those who reported low levels of job control more likely to develop heart disease.
Schaubroek et al (2001) Measured saliva to assess immune system, those in low control jobs had better immune functioning.
Johansson et al (1978) Workers with high workload had more adrenaline in urine than low workload.
Shultz et al (2010) Those with work under load had more absence for stress related illness
Kivimaki et al Meta-analysis found employees with high work strain 50% more likely to have CHD
Lazarus TRANSACTIONAL APPROACH The degree work stressor is stressor depends on individual differences.
Friedman and Rosenman Identified Type A and Type B personalities
Rosenman et al (1976) Western Collabrative study - 3454 men identified as type A or B through interview. 8 years later of 257 heart attacks 69% type A.
Ragland and Brand (1988) Follow up of Western Collabrative - 15% had died of heart attacks but found no relation to Type A or B
Myrtek (2001) No correlation between Type A and CHD, but between hostility.
Mitaishvili and Daniela (2006) No correlation between Type A but there was with work strain and lack of social support - 3rd variable
Kobasa and Maddi (1977) HARDY PERSONALITY
Kobasa (1979) 800 workers with same high-stress jobs, some had high sickness records some low. Those with low scored in all levels of hardy personality.
Maddi et al (1987) Employees of company reducing workforce, 2/3 suffered stress related illness, other 1/3 showed hardiness characteristics
Miechenbaum (1985) S I T - Conceptualisation - skills acquisition - Application
Meichenbaum Compared SIT to desensitisation to cure snake phobias. Both cured but SIT cured against other phobias too.
Skeeky and Horan (2004) Effects of SIT on law students. Had lower stress and anxiety and improved academic performance.
Kobasa and Maddi HARDINESS TRAINING - Focusing - Reliving stress encounters - Self-improvement
Kahn et al (1986) Followed 250 patients for 8 weeks, found BZ's significantly better than placebos
Hildalgo (2001) BZ's more effective than any other drugs
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