
Opal Khan
Flashcards by Opal Khan, updated more than 1 year ago
Opal Khan
Created by Opal Khan over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the key feature of a physical change? A key feature of a physical change is that no new substance is produced during the change.
What do physical changes include? Physical changes include: -a change in shape or form -expansion and contraction -mixing substance together -a change of state
Why can physical changes be easily reversed? The physical properties of the substances change but the substance before and after the change is exactly the same. Therefore, physical changes can be reversed easily
What is the simplest example of a physical change? The simplest example of a physical change is one that changes the shape or form of a substance.
When else does a physical change occur? Physical changes also occur when the temperature of a substance increases or decreases.
What happens to solids, liquids and gases when they are heated? When solids, liquids and gases are heated they expand and take up more space.
What happens when expansion occurs? The volume of the object increases and its density decreases but no new substances are formed.
What happens when a solid, liquid or gas is cooled? When a solid, liquid or gas is cooled, it contracts.
What happens when contraction occurs? When contraction occurs, the volume of the substance decreases and its density increases.
What happens if enough heat is applied to a substance? If enough heat is applied ta a substance, then it will not only expand but will also change state from a solid to a liquid or from a liquid to a gas.
Solid - Liquid Melting
Liquid - Gas Evaporation
Gas - Liquid Condensation
Liquid - Solid Freezing / Solidification
Solid - Gas Sublimation
Gas - Solid Deposition
What is a solution? When a solid is dissolved into a liquid, they form a solution.
What is crystallization? Crystallization is the evaporation of a solvent from a solution to leave solute behind as crystals.
How can you distinguish between a chemical and a physical change? You have to determine if a new substance has formed as a result.
How can you detect the presence of a new substance? You can detect a new substance by: -seeing a change in colour -smelling a gas or seeing bubbles -seeing a new solid forming in a clear solution -seeing light or feeling a change in temperature
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