Korean War


A brief account of the Korean War with important dates and events
Nikhil Philipose
Flashcards by Nikhil Philipose , updated more than 1 year ago
Nikhil Philipose
Created by Nikhil Philipose about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the significance of 25 Jun 1950 w.r.t the Cold War? On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War.
“If the best minds in the world had set out to find us the worst possible location in the world to fight this damnable war the unanimous choice would have been Korea.” Who said this ? U.S. Secretary of State- Dean Acheson (1893-1971)
the Korean War was the first military action of the Cold War. By July, American troops had entered the war on South Korea’s behalf. As far as American officials were concerned, it was a war against the forces of international ___________itself. Communism
Name the North Korean leader during the Korean War. Kim II Sung
In a global perspective what was America's concern with a war in Korea? The American Administration was worried that a war in Korea could quickly widen into another world war should the Chinese or Soviets decide to get involved as well.
Why did the Soviet Union boycott the UN Council meetings ? The Soviet Union, a veto-wielding power, had boycotted the Council meetings since January 1950, protesting that the Republic of China (Taiwan), not the People's Republic of China, held a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
When did President Truman order U.S. air and sea forces to help the South Korean regime? 27 Jun 1950
The UN Security Council, on 27 June 1950, published a Resolution recommending member states provide military assistance to the Republic of Korea. Resolution 83
The Battle of Pusan Perimeter was a large-scale battle between United Nations and North Korean forces. It was one of the first major engagements of the Korean War. From when to when did last? From August 4 to September 18, 1950.
A140-mile (230 km) defensive line around an area on the southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula that included the port of Pusan. What is this are called? The Pusan Perimeter
A140-mile (230 km) defensive line around an area on the southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula that included the port of Pusan. What is this are called? The Pusan Perimeter
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