The Cold War


Prompt flashcards re: causes and events of the Cold War
Elisha Hammond
Flashcards by Elisha Hammond, updated more than 1 year ago
Elisha Hammond
Created by Elisha Hammond about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Four causes of the Cold War -BARE- -Beliefs -Aims -Resentments -Events
Nine events which caused the Cold War -Yalta Conference (Feb 1945) -Potsdam Conference (Jul 1945) -Salami tactics (1945–48) -Fulton Speech (Mar 1946) -Greece (Feb 1947) -Truman Doctrine (Mar 1947) -Marshall Plan (Jun 1947) -Cominform (Oct 1947) -Czechoslovakia (Feb 1948)
Six decisions made at the Yalta conference -Russia would join the UN. -Division of Germany into 4 zones. -To bring Nazi war crimes to trial. -Set up a Polish Provisional government. -Declaration on Liberated Europe. -Set up a commission to look into reparations.
Four decisions made at the Potsdam conference -To set up four zones of occupation in Germany to eliminate militarist doctrines. -To bring Nazi war crimes to trial. -To recognise the Polish Provisional government. -To allow Russia to take 10% of industry from western zones as reparations.
Three disagreements at the Potsdam conference The details of how to divide Germany. The size of reparations Germany ought to pay. Russian policy in eastern Europe.
S Salami tactics
Five causes of the Berlin crisis -CABAN- -Cold War -Aims -Bizonia -American Aid -New Currency
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