F585 - glossary


Flashcards on F585 - glossary, created by pw136375 on 11/03/2014.
Flashcards by pw136375, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pw136375 about 10 years ago

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Capital intensive production Production of goods and services that requires a relatively high level of capital inputs such as machinery and technology compared to labour
Development gains Broadly based gains in economic and human development measured for example by real GNI per capita and advances in human development and reductions in multidimensional poverty
Dualistic economic structure A dual economy is the existence of two separate economic sectors within one country, divided by different levels of development, technology, and different patterns of demand
Dutch disease effects When increasing revenues from exporting natural resources can lead to appreciation in a country’s exchange rate which has damaging effects on other tradable sectors of an economy such as manufacturing and services.
Economic growth A sustained rise in real national output or a country’s productive potential
Export diversity The range of goods and services exported to other countries. Some nations have a high export dependency in primary commodities, others have achieved a higher export complexity across different sectors
Foreign direct investment (FDI). Acquisition of a controlling interest in productive operations abroad by companies resident in the home economy. May involve creation of new productive capacity
Gross National Income (GNI) per capita This is broadly the same as GDP except that it adds what a country earns from overseas investments and subtracts what foreigners earn in a country and send back home. GNI is affected for example by profits from businesses owned overseas and also remittances sent home by migrant workers. GN per capita = GNI / total population
Human Development Index (HDI) HDI captures not only the level of income but also incorporates measures of health (life expectancy) and education (school enrolment and literacy rate).
Inclusive growth Growth where the benefits are spread across all sections of society - broad based growth, shared growth, and pro-poor growth
Intra-regional trade Trade in goods and services between countries of a certain region
Natural resource curse When the development of many natural resource-rich countries does not benefit from extraction, and indeed may even decline
Productivity Output per unit of input, e.g. labour productivity
Social indicators Measures of social development including progress in improving health and education outcomes and changing the final distribution of income and wealth as measured by the Gini coefficient.
Tax / licensing regime The tax system applied by a national government to the exploration and extraction of natural resources
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