Chapter 17 - The internet and e-commerce (2)


Flashcards on Chapter 17 - The internet and e-commerce (2), created by Sam Onyefuna on 09/09/2016.
Sam  Onyefuna
Flashcards by Sam Onyefuna, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam  Onyefuna
Created by Sam Onyefuna about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Virus A program that can be transferred from one computer to another, damaging the computer system.
Recipient The person who is receiving the email that has been sent.
Distribution list A list of email addresses and names of people that can be emailed as a group.
Encryption When data is put into a secret code so that it can only be read by the sender and someone authorized to receive the email.
Atttachment A document which is stored as a file on a computer and sent alongside an email, such as a photograph, image or report.
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