1st Exam Advanced Church Administration (Chapter 1 - 4) 20 Sept 2016 Dr. Cleveland


Chapter 1 - 4 Exam
Marc-Anthoni Peacock
Flashcards by Marc-Anthoni Peacock, updated more than 1 year ago
Marc-Anthoni Peacock
Created by Marc-Anthoni Peacock about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
True or False The church is not pictured as the people of God. False This concept has its roots in the Old Testament. God made a covenant with the people of Israel, and they became God's own people (Gen 12:1–3; 17:1–8). Israel understood God's expectations of them but had trouble abiding by them, just as Christians sometimes have difficulty living faithfully by the teachings of Christ.
What is Another image of the church, frequently employed in Paul's letters? The body of Christ. This image or model of the church portrays Christ as the head and individual believers, grafted into the body through the redemptive love of Christ, as other parts of the body. As members of the body, different persons are given different gifts, abilities, and functions. Together the members accomplish the work of the body under the direction of Christ, the head. Though the body is characterized by diversity of function, it is unified in purpose and mission.
What is Paul's concept of the New Humanity? God has brought the new humanity into being through the redemptive mission of Jesus Christ. The old humanity consisted of persons who were dead in their trespasses and sins (Eph 2:1). But Christ has raised them up and made them alive. “For we are what he made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life” (Eph 2:10 NRSV). As the new humanity, the church is the evidence of God's continuing creative activity.
What is the New Humanity? It consists of people who have been made new and gifted with the ability to do what the old humanity could not accomplish. Whereas the old humanity was self-centered and rooted in law and judgment, new humanity would be God-centered and focused on grace and reconciliation. New humanity is God's new creation, made capable of righteousness and love through Jesus Christ.
What is the purpose of the Church?* The church is to be a community of persons who are wholeheartedly committed to doing what God wants to be accomplished on earth. This most certainly includes the great commandments, loving God supremely and loving our neighbor as ourselves (Matt 22:37–39).
What are the results if the Church accomplish it's purpose? If the church accomplishes its purpose, the result will be more love for God and for humanity. Love of God should result in prayer, devotion, commitment, a sense of piety, and growth in one's spiritual life. Love of neighbor should result in caring, giving, confronting, admonishing, seeking justice, and working for the common good.
What are the activities that often referred to as the functions, or tasks of the church? worship, proclamation, education, ministry, and fellowship.
What is koinonia? The spiritual fellowship that inspires and enables believers to perform the functions of the church, thereby giving witness to the world.
What is the Mission of the Church? The mission of the church is to achieve the purpose of the church—to be, do, and tell the gospel. From a biblical viewpoint there generally are two dimensions for evaluating our effectiveness: how individuals respond and how the church responds.
What is our Individual response to the Mission of the Church?* Our effectiveness in relating to individuals must focus on the mandate: (1) that belief in Jesus is the only way to God and (2) that believers will keep Christ's commandments. According to John 14:6–17, Jesus described individual responsibility as the essence of faith and practice.
What are the Church Response, life, and work of the church?* To be God's people and to continue the Earthly ministry of Jesus.
True or False The important thing is to recognize the discrepancies that exist between the witness we want to share and the witness we are sharing with the world. True
What is the Church trying to do to people?* The bottom line is that we want people to come to faith, grow in faith, serve in faith, and live in faith—just as Jesus taught. The primary job of ministers and of the congregation is to (1) bring people to Jesus Christ, and (2) help them grow in his likeness.
What is the concept of working together in the Church? A church's ministerial leadership team and the lay leaders of the church share responsibility for (1) maintaining clarity of purpose and vision for the church and (2) interpreting and assisting the congregation in understanding and supporting the church's purpose and vision.
True or False To developing Productive Partnerships For ministers and congregations there must be consensus about the approach to and style of leadership. True
True or False Church members have every right to expect that ministers and lay leaders will agree on the purpose, vision, and principles by which their congregation will be led. True
What are the Principles for Life and Ministry? 1. Principle of Responsible Freedom - We must live and act within the framework of our basic commitments. 2. Principle of Servant Leadership Christians are called to grow continually toward the likeness of Christ. This requires understanding and practicing a style of leadership consistent with the teachings of Jesus, caring for and serving others. 3. Principle of Renewal - With appropriate leadership and God's blessing, a church can be renewed and persons can be redeemed. 4. Principle of Paradox 5. Principle of Acceptance 6. Principle of Discrepancy 7. Principle of Authority and Responsibility 8. Principle of Unity and Diversity 9. Principle of Inclusiveness 10. Principle of Faith, Hope, and Love
Where is the Church? The church is people, not a place.
How Is the 21st Century Church Organized? It is a flat organization, rather than hierarchical with only the structure necessary to fulfill its purpose.
How Does a Church Measure Theological Success Today? Spiritual growth, growth in service, and growth in understanding and application of biblical principles.
True or False The following is a good measuring stick to judge success in today's Church: Are lives being changed? Are members practicing their faith at church and also in the community? Are they becoming missional, living and serving as Jesus did? True
How does a church measure success? (A church is successful when members of the congregation are Growing in Faith as the body of Christ.) Hence,all ways unto him, and disciples are discovering, developing, and using their gifts in Christian service within the body, in the community, and in partnership with other believers around the world.
In a widely used textbook on organizational renewal, leaders are advised to view their organizations through four frames? The Structural frame, Human Resource, Political and Symbolic .
What is Budgeting? Budgeting is the process of Allocating Resources toward goals by expressing the church's Dream in Dollars.
What is planning? Planning is the process of creating your organizational future before it happens. Planning attempts to write history in advance. Why? Hope provides a theological foundation for planning.
what is evaluating? Evaluating is the process of discovering and duplicating the congregation or institution's successes while discovering and eliminating the organization's failures. Evaluation provides an appraisal, feedback, and control mechanism.
What is dreaming? Dreaming is the process of clarifying, Taking Ownership of, and communicating forcefully the congregation or institution's redemptive vision.
What does it mean to close out a ministry? The closure means saying Good-Bye to a church or institution at the conclusion of a tenure of ministry. Official documents like constitutions and bylaws may specify the mechanics of how the minister terminates, but the minister decides the manner of exiting. Closure flavors ministry and tends to make the minister's impact and reputation better or worse.
True or False Does eschatology provide theological perspective for closure? True
Explain the congressional "Health Cycle." A model used to determine the stage of health or sickness in a Church and its Congregation.
What is an Ad-ministry style? Describes the process of selecting and using a management pattern consistently. Choosing a personal approach or pattern of managing a congregation's or other Christian institution's resources boils down to how ministers structure their personal time. Self-management is, after all, largely a matter of stewardship of time and life.
What is the difference between chronos and kairos? Chronos is the measured, durative time typical of clocks and calendars. All chronos belongs to God. Kairos is more like timing and refers to time becoming ripe, full, and overflowing with opportunity (Mark 1:15; Luke 4:21; Matt 16:3; Luke 12:56). Ministers must use chronos well in order to be ready to use kairos at all.
The apostle Paul names administration as what? A Spiritual Gift (1 Cor 12:28).
What is Church Administration? Church Administration is a ministry, not methods. It's people, not paperwork. It's human processes, not inhumane policies. It's management, not manipulation. Administration and management refer to an organization's “people processes” and help institutions use their resources well.
Why is organization needed in the Church? Organization in a church is the structure designed to enable a congregation to (Make Disciples,) help members grow, and develop spiritual power in their lives. Organization is a way to help people find a place and direction in their spiritual journey; it is the design for relating to one another effectively in order to do the Lord's work.
What are five distinguishing characteristics of the New Testament church? worship, education, ministry, and fellowship and proclamation.
What is the glue of Church Organization? (Administrative Leadership) is the glue, or support, that enables the five primary functions to operate together as the body of Christ. .)
What is the Church Council? The church council serves as a forum for a church's leaders to guide planning, coordination, conducting, and evaluation of the total work of the church.
What is a Moderator? The chief responsibility of the moderator is to prepare for and preside at church business meetings; that is, to coordinate and facilitate productive business meetings in an orderly, efficient manner.
What is a Church Clerk? The church clerk is responsible for recording, processing, and maintaining accurate records of all church business meeting transactions. The clerk also is responsible for all official church membership records and communications.
What is a property and space committee? To assist the church in the care of all properties and buildings, to study and recommend the use of space and furnishings as they relate to all programs and activities, to study the need and recommend acquiring property and creating space, and to administer work assigned to it.
What is a Finance Committee? To plan and promote stewardship education in all areas of church life and to lead the church in budget planning, promotion, subscription, and administration.
What is the personal committee? To assist the church in administrative matters related to all employed personnel.
What is the Nominating Committee? To lead the church in securing staff for all church-elected leadership positions filled by volunteers; to approve all volunteer workers before they are nominated to serve in church-elected positions.
What are the two kinds of work done by committees in a church. The first type of work relates to the long-term, ongoing ministries and programs that are basic to the church's life, such as the financial program. The second type of committee work in a church relates to short-term or temporary needs such as planning for a homecoming or conducting a fundraising drive. This kind of committee is called a special, or ad hoc, committee. A building committee and pastor selection committee are examples. The members of a special committee do not rotate but serve as long as the committee exists.
What are the 3 views that people view the Church? 1. The Church as the People of God. 2. The Church as the Body of Christ. 3. The Church as the New Humanity.
What is the Mission of the Church?* The mission of the church is to achieve the purpose of the church— (To Be, Do, and Tell the Gospel.)
Determining the Nonnegotiable's, what are they? The doctrine and theological principles for Christian leadership presented in this book are the (Who and Why issues of faith.)
Where Does the Church Do Its Work? At home and in the community.
What is the Leadership of an Organization? (Person or Team of Persons who have the responsibility of ensuring that the organization is organized to reach its goals.)
What is the Church? The church is the living body of Jesus Christ. It is to have functional parts as any other organization.
What is Transformational Leadership? Refers to it as the process of pursuing collective goals through the mutual tapping of leaders' and followers' motives based toward the Achievement of the Intended Change.
What is a The Transformational Leader? One of the fundamental traits of a transformational leader is a clear sense of self-identity and worth. The transformational leader has enjoyed the emancipatory knowledge that has caused him or her to Challenge old assumptions and views the world through a New Set of Lenses.
What is the role of leaders? The role of leaders is to Proclaim the gospel and to Invite Response.
Church Administration or Management is all three (3) elements? Science, Art and Spiritual Gift As a science, church management involves procedures that can be learned by study and practice. As an art, the administration calls for relational sensitivity, intuition, and timing. These artistic people skills are largely natural talents but can be enhanced to some degree by experience and training. Additionally, the apostle Paul names administration as a spiritual gift (1 Cor 12:28).
What is the basic management challenge for most ministers? For ministers is self-management.
What are some of the numerous resources that ministers have for selecting a consistent ad ministry style? Friends and advisers offer feedback. Studying the great biblical leaders provides behavioral models of effective ministry. Biographies of Luther, Wesley, famous evangelists and missionaries, and other denominational and institutional leaders
True or False The minister works with appropriate committees, councils, and task forces to ensure an orderly and productive transition. Official documents may spell out formal procedures for an interim period or tradition may suggest informal approaches. True
True or False The process of saying good-bye is largely a relational one. While proclamation (evangelism, preaching, teaching, and worship) and pastoral care (counseling, family ministry, grief work, and officiating special events) enter into closure strategies, management is the focus here. Closure involves several attitudes and actions. True
What are the Basic church programs designed to for the Church? . Objectives and Needs of the People. Help a church achieve its Objectives and, also, to meet the general Needs of people in the congregation
What are the essential elements in deciding how to organize a Church?* 1. specific purpose of the organization. 2. Finding the Best Way to achieve the stated purpose. 3. Defining Clear areas of Responsibility and decision making in the overall administration of the churcH.
True or False An effective organizational structure includes a church council or other administrative group that would be charged with planning, coordinating, and evaluating the church's programs and ministries. True
True or False Because most administration is handled within programs, those who work with similar age groups in different organizations often need to link up to coordinate work and support one another. This can be achieved through age-level coordination. True
True or False Age grouping, or grading, is used most often when trying to match developmental needs of individuals with the educational experiences provided. This is the approach usually recommended by denominational program leaders to facilitate an ongoing, systematic study of curriculum materials by all ages. True
True or False Grouping according to compatibility is used in many churches—particularly among adults—to allow persons who have the most in common to be together. People congregate due to factors such as preferred learning style or fellowship needs, and these preferences are established as a regular part of the organizational structure. True
True or False Interest grouping is used when persons are free to select the most appealing study or activity. These groups exist as long as the particular study or activity is provided; consequently, this approach is used primarily with short-term educational activities and special emphases. True
True or False Each group, class, department, division, and program should keep records of its activities and report regularly to the next larger unit. All basic programs and organizations, such as Sunday school, discipleship training, music ministry, and missions, should report regularly to the church. Provide an update of activities in monthly or quarterly business meetings and a summary report at the end of the church year. True
True or False Good records enable leaders to discover needs and opportunities so that appropriate and timely responses can be made. A secondary benefit concerns their historical value. Not only are records necessary when studying your heritage or dealing with legal issues, but data over the years can be studied for trends and needs that can be of significant use in determining leadership actions and planning strategy. True
True or False Each unit in an organization should report essential information to the leaders of the next larger unit of which it is a part. True
True or False The effective church administrator learns to build one-to-one friendships. Moreover,managers must also expand their skills in relating to work groups, ministry committees, and program councils by learning to function well in one-to-several and one-to-many settings. True
True or False The management sciences distinguish among four kinds of organizations.: the for-profits, the governmental, and the not-for-profits. Churches and other Christian institutions fit into the not-for-profit category. True
True or False Churches that take the “priesthood of every believer” principle seriously take work groups seriously too. Behind most congregational ministries and services lie the efforts of a committee or committees. This imperfect method of coordinating ministry has a way of working well enough in the end to advance the mission of the congregation. True
True or False Teamwork is not needed in the congregation anytime two or more people must work together and depend on one another. False
True or False One key attitude in team building is making ministry results “apart of the team.” False
True or False Problem solving can become a creative instead of a frustrating experience if a good method is used. True
True or False Formal decision-making meetings are not intimidating for the inexperienced or uncertain chairperson. False
True or False Every church has a staff. Ninety-nine percent of church staffers nationwide are volunteers. True
True or False Delegation offers two positive opportunities to church managers. First, delegation allows ministers to multiply their ministries by involving others. Second, delegation lets others learn by doing. When is delegation called for? True
True or False Every church has members who are abrasive to the larger congregation. They aren't emotionally unbalanced; they're just relationally out of step with the mainstream of the church. True
True or False Aggressive controllers include hostile persons, cliques, and noncommunicating “crazy makers.” Passive controllers count in their numbers apathetic persons, lonely people, and traditionalists. True
True or False Extra meetings must be avoided. True
True or False Not all meetings are the same. Basically, the structure of a meeting should match its purpose. True
True or False Every church has a staff. Ninety-nine percent of church staffers nationwide are not volunteers. False
According to John 14: 6–17, Jesus described individual responsibility as the essence of the following _______ and ________. Faith and Practice.
True or False Simply put, the church is on the brink of becoming more like the New Testament image of the body of Christ and the Old Testament image of the people of God. True
What are the three types of financial Structures most Institutions are members? The for-profits, the governmental, and the not-for-profits.
What type of Financial Structure does Churches usually belong? Churches and other Christian institutions fit into the not-for-profit category.
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