brakdown of the us constituon


constitution flascards
Eric mayes
Flashcards by Eric mayes, updated more than 1 year ago
Eric mayes
Created by Eric mayes almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
preamble preamble intro to the constitution begins we the people indentifies 6 goals founding fathers wanted to achive
article 1 the legislative branch describes the congress and its powers
house of reps lower house of congress 435 members representation is based on population term of office=2 years
bicarmeral a legislature made up of 2 houses
qualifactions for the hor must be 25 a us citizen for a least 9 years live in the district
senate upper house of congress made up a 100 members 2 from each state elected by the state legislature
qualifcations for us senate must be 30 years old must be a citizen for at least 7 years live in the state you rep
article 1 section 8 lists 18 powers given to the congress
impeachment to formally charge an elected offical with wrongdoing the hor votes yes there is a trial held by senate
enumertaed powers aka expressed powers powers givin only to the congress they are listed in article 1 section 8
reserved powers powers that are reserved for the states govts
concurrent powers powers shared with the national congress and the states legislature
bill attainder article 1 section 9 states congress can not suspend a persons rights towrit of habeas corpus of habeas corpus ececpt in cases of rebellion or invasion
post facto laws power denied to congress congress can not make a law that punishes someone for doing something that wasnt a crime at the time
article ii about the executive branch
qualifactions for president must be 35 born in the us live in the untied states for at least 14 years
state of the union address the annual speech given by the pres on jan 20th about thw whats happeing in the country
comander in cheif the pres is over the us miilltary
article lll about the judicail branch very vague says there be a supreme court leaves up to congress to create inferior court
article iv about realtionship among the states includes the full faith credir clause
article v amending the constituon propssed by two thirds vote in both houses of congress
article vi supermcay clause the constitution is the supreme law of the land
article vii says 9 of the 13 orignal states had to vote yes before the constitutuion went into effect
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