Acute responses


Australian Capital Territory Year 12 Certificate Health and Physical Education Flashcards on Acute responses , created by Tracy Nguyen on 11/10/2016.
Tracy Nguyen
Flashcards by Tracy Nguyen, updated more than 1 year ago
Tracy Nguyen
Created by Tracy Nguyen almost 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Acute Response It is an immediate response that occurs at the onset of excercise until recovery is complete. It occurs in the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular system
Factors that determine the Acute Response to Exercise * Rate/intensity of Exercise * Duration * Energy expenditure of the exercise * Type of exercise * Environmental Conditons * Nutritional Status * Altitude
Respiratory acute response Ventilation = Tidal X Respiratory Rate
Ventilation= TV X RR nb: Tidal Volume Plateau's at submit (aerobic) - Increase ventilation- amount of air breathed in and out in one minute - Increase Tidal Volume- amount of air inhaled in 1 breath - Increase Respiratory Rate- number of breaths in 1 minute - Increase Pulmonary Diffusion- diffusion of O2 and CO2 in lungs - Increase Oxygen
Cardiovascular acute response Cardiac Output= Stroke Volume X Heart Rate
Cardiac - Increase cardiac output- amount of of blood ejected from the heart in 1 minute - Increase stroke volume- amount of blood ejected from heart in 1 beat - Increase Heart rate- the number of times the heart beats in 1 minute - Increase Blood pressure- measure in mmHq
Vascular * Redistribution of blow flow > Vasodilation of blood to the working muscles (blood flows to muscles via artery) > Vasoconstriction to the inactive organs (blood flows away from inactive organs) Note: Arties carry Blood away from the heart Veins carry blood back to heart
- Increase A-Vo2 Difference- difference in oxygen concentration in the parties compared to the veins. It is a direct representation of what is occurring in the muscles !! - Decrease Blood Volume (evaporation, soup on stove.) -Increase Arterial blood flow *Increase Venous return .....Assisted by: 1. Muscle pump 2. Venoconstriction (valves in veins) 3. Respiratory Pump
Muscular -Decrease energy substrates (PC, Glycogen, Triglycerides) > PC- depletes in 10 seconds > Glycogen depletes after approximately 2 hours it is called 'Hitting the Wall' - Increase Enzyme activity - Increase Muscle Temperature (heat is a bi-product of the aerobic energy system
Why is Glycogen our preferred fuel over fats? Glycogen require less oxygen to breakdown compared to fats and are less complex to breakdown and hence faster to breakdown then fats. Carbs resynthesis ATP at a faster rate then Fats. You are able to work at a higher intensity when using carbohydrates compared to fats
Oxygen Deficit At the commencement of exerise or when intensity of exercise increases there is insufficient oxygen to meet the demand of exercise aerobically. This is due LAG time. The dominant system during this time is the anaerobic systems!! (ATP-PC and Anaerobic Glycolysis)
Remember: Ventilation, respiratory rate, tidal volume, Cardiac output, stroke volum, heart rate, vasodilation of blood to muscle and A-VO2 all increase to meet the demands of exercise aerobically Don't forget just prior to exercise HEART Rate & Blood lactate may increase due to a anticipatory rise, nerves!!
Steady State and how do we know it gets reached Oxygen supply equals demand when working aerobically - Heart rate, Tidal Volume & Stroke Volume Plateau
EPOC/Oxygen Debt At the end of exercise the body remains above resting levels to return the body to pre exercise levels. (it does not return below this level!!!)
Please not EPOC During recovery oxygen consumption remains elevated do the following: Fast Phase (alatacid debt) - resynthesis of Creatine Phosphate stores and restoration of myoglobin Slow Phase (Lactated debt)- oxidise/metabolise metabolic bi-products (H+ ions) & hormone levels and hear rate EPOC fuels the body's increased metabolism with an increase in body temperature
Reduce EPOC *Consume cool drink, tip cool water on yourself, wear and ice vest *Reform and active recovery
What occurs when you complete 5 x 100 m sprints with 30 sec recovery? Discuss 2 likely reasons why the 5th sprint is almost 30% slower than the first sprint 1. PC depletion 2. Metabolic build up (H+ions) which impair glycogen breakdown and slows ATP resynthesis and hence muscle concentration and intensity of exercise
HOT weather HOT days blood is redirected to the Skin to cool down the body via Vasodilation. When blood is sent to the skin it promotes sweating which cool bodys.
However: this means that less blood will reach to the working muscle and hence the body will not be able to work at the intensity. This process pr mechanism is called THERMOREGULATION. If you do not consume water then you can DEHYDRATE Recovery takes longer due to less oxygen reaching the muscle as a result of a need to cool the body via vasodilation
Recovery *When using the ATP-PC system you perform a passive recovery standing or stationary * When using the anaerobic glycolysis or aerobic systems perform an ACTIVE recovery to promote BLOOD flow and PREVENT Venous POOLING!!
Active recovery Will speed up Recovery by breaking down metallic bi-products faster!! Should involve using similar muscle groups at a low intensity !! Eg: after the 1500 m you should do a very slow job for recovery. if you have swim then you should do a cool down swim
AT ALTITUDE Less oxygen in the atmosphere. Therefore it is impossible to take up and utilise as much as oxygen as you would at Sea level and hence we would see a decrease intensity of exercise and an increase contribution from the anaerobic Glycolysis System
A Altitude your VO2 Max would be lower due to less oxygen available. Practical example is that an athlete may reach Level 14 in the Beep test at Sea level and the same athlete Only reach level 6 inArizona ( which is 3,000 m above sea level-which is at ALTITUDE) due to less oxygen available !! Remember when exercising an increase in A-vo2 will also see an increase in ventilation, respiratory rate, stroke volume, oxygen uptake, cardiac output and vasodilation of blood flow to working muscles. When exercising the more blood (oxygen) that can be transported to the working muscles the higher the intensity you can work
A- Vo2 Difference is the difference in the oxygen concentration in the arteries compared to the veins. It is a DIRECT measure of how much oxygen is being taken up and utilised by the working muscles
What occurs when you go above LIP? Why does the graph inflect? We see an increased contribution from me anaerobic Glycolysis System. Therefore the athlete is unstable to sustain the intensity for long due to a build up of metabolic bi-products (H+ ions). The body is unable to supply sufficient oxygen to the working muscles to break down the H+ ions
H+ Ions effect 1. Increase muscle acidity, decrease pH 2. Impair glycolytic enzymes which slow breakdown of glycogen to glucose 3. Slow ATP resynthesis 4. Slows muscle contraction 5. Slow intensity of exercise
ATP is a chemical compound that is used for muscle contraction when ATP splits energy is released for movement ATP is a chemical compound that is used for muscle contraction when ATP splits energy is released for movement
ATP-PC SYSTEM (Phosphagen system) ATP <----> ADP + Pi + CREATINE PHOSPHATE Rate of ATP Resynthesis is explosive Intensity of excerise: 95% MAX Heart Rate Field: (How much ATP)- 0.7 ATP per PC Molecule Duration/Capacity: Very limited only 10 seconds Bi- products: ADP + Pi and creating
Fatiguing bi-products: Example of an event: Finite Capacity: - ADP + Pi (They slow release of calcium 2+ions and hence rate of muscle contraction) High jump, 100 m How long it lasts-up to 10 seconds you can increase capacity of the ATP-PC system by doing training e.g.: short interval or sprint training
Anaerobic Glycolysis System Lactate good- Most gets converted to ATP & some to Glycogen
Rate of ATP Resynthesis Intensity of Excerise Yield Fast 85-95% MAX Heart Rate 2-3 ATP per Glycogen Molecule You can increase the finite capacity of this system by doing Lactate Tolerance training e.g.: training to tolerate build up of lactate e.g.: 4 X 400 M sprints
Anaerobic Glycolysis system: Duration/capacity: Fatiguing bi-products: Sporting: Limited only lasts from 10-60secs H+ ions 400m NOTE: Anaerobic Gylcoysis is an incomplete to breakdown of Glycogen
Aerobic Systems Rate of ATP reynthesis: is slow Intensity of Excerise: 65-85% MAX Heart Rate Yield (How much ATP) -36-38ATP per Glycogen Molecule 441 ATP Fat Molecule
Duration/Capcity: Fatiguing bi-products: NOTE: Sporting E.g: Unlimited NONE Aerobic Glycolysis is a complete breakdown of Glycogen Sporting Examples: 1500m, marathon etc You can delay hitting the wall by carbohydrate loading or consuming carbohydrate gels whilst competing. This will prolong use of carbohydrates and delay use of fats
Major reasons for fatigue 100m 400 Marathon -Depletion of PC stores - build up of metabolic bi-products (H+ ions) - Hitting the wall or dehydration
REST - The aerobic system is dominant at rest. We utilise 2/3 fats and 1/3 carbohydrates - The anaerobic glycolysis system will contribute minimally, that is why we have a resting blood lactate (0.7mMol) -We do not utilise the ATP-PC system at rest
What is lactate Infection Point (LIP)? 1- is used to identify the intensity (last point) where the rate of (Bla) production and removal in the blood is balanced i.e, "steady state" 2- Should be recognised as describing the intensity beyond which a given power output speed can not be maintained i.e. critical power/speed
Exercise ABOVE LIP is associated with: - Decreased time to exhaustion -Increased anaerobic metabolism -Increased lactic acid accumulation -Increased hydrogen ion accumulation
Can your LIP be improved? YES training can improve your LIP Adaptions obtained from endurance training: - increased mitochondria number and size -Increased ability to oxidise fat -Increased ability to oxidise CHO -Increased intensity at the LIP
Vo2 MAX Is the maximal volume of oxygen that your body can take up and utilise in 1 minute
Measurement of VO2 Max -Direct measure of VO2 MAX - test performed in a Lab - Indirect measure of VO2 MAX- field test e.g.: Beep test or 12 min run
Absolute VO2 Max Is the absolute of oxygen that you take up and utilise in 1 minute. it is measured in Litres/min
Relative VO2 MAX is the amount of oxygen that your body takes up and utilises in 1 min however it is relative to body weight and is measured in ml/kg/min
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