Unit Three Management Skills of Leadership & Motivation


Flashcards for important definitions for unit three leadership & motivation
Rachel Hunt
Flashcards by Rachel Hunt , updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Hunt
Created by Rachel Hunt almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Leadership Refers to the ability to influence other people to go in a particular direction and achieve a particular goal.
Motivation The willingness of people to work hard and to contribute their best effort.
Charisma Refers to an individuals personality and charm and ability to inspire enthusiasm among an audience.
Corporate Culture Refers to the general atmosphere within a workplace.
Delegation Means giving authority and responsibility for carrying out work to subordinates.
Autocratic Leaders Do not like sharing their authority with subordinates but prefer to make most of the decisions themselves.
Democratic Leaders Are willing to discuss issues with staff and to delegate power and responsibility where necessary
Laissez-faire leadership Involves giving staff general goals and targets to aim for and then giving them the authority to achieve these in whatever way they think best.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs All human needs can be arranged in a hierarchy in order for their importance.
Self-actualisation The need to reach one's full potential.
Esteem needs The need for recognition and respect from others.
Social Needs The need for interaction with other people. Being part of a group, friendship.
Safety Needs Safety and security needs, house, family.
Physiological Needs Most basic survival needs, food, water, shelter.
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