

First Lecture. Introduction to basic geology principles.
Ffion Butler
Flashcards by Ffion Butler, updated more than 1 year ago
Ffion Butler
Created by Ffion Butler almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Stratigraphy The Study of the rock record of geological events through time. The relative order and position of strata and their relationship with the geological timescale.
Ma Megaannus/ 1 million years
How old is the Earth? 4550Ma or 4.5bn yrs
Geological column: Age increases.... Time is presented in...... The Time scale is not...... Downwards Ma Linear
Lithostratigraphy The physical characteristics of a rock unit and its stratigraphic position relative to other bodies of rock. Can change both vertically (varying rock types) and laterally (changing environments).
Facies A set of characteristics that characterise the environment in which rocks formed. e.g sandstone = possible beach or desert facie.
Formation Based on rock units with comparable lithology, facies or similar properties.
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