Ancient Egypt


Flash Cards
Lucinda Chalkley
Flashcards by Lucinda Chalkley, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucinda Chalkley
Created by Lucinda Chalkley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where is Egypt located? North Africa
In which direction does the Nile flow From south to north (upwards) towards the Nile DElta
In which month does the Nile flood and who's responsibility is it? September, The Pharoah
What is the modern day capital of Egypt? Cairo
who "gift of the nile" Herodotus-greek
Social hierarchy? Pharoah, Vizier, priest, scribe, artisan, farmer, servant/slave
Social Men higher than women-woman pharoah last resort
rich educated, could afford lots, was recorded
River Nile needed to survive, once flooded fertile soil, source of food, money, animals
King Tut came to power at age 12. died when 19.possibly died from chariot accident after scans show that there was resin around a fracture in his leg. Possibly got Malaria
Pharoah Ruled upper+lower. though to be a descendant of a god/ a god. considered a protector and ruler of Egypt. Was responsible for: the flooding of the Nile every September, the gods to look kindly upon the people, winning battles and for Ma'at (Truth and Justice) to be in the heart of the people. could be either gender but preferred male. Owned the most land and collected taxes. Pharoah means Great House.
Beliefs in the gods, afterlife, preservation of the body and the two parts of a person: physical and spiritual.
Amun Re Head God, God of the sun because ancient egyptians thought that the sun made everything.
Osiris King of the Underworld, father of Horus
Horus God of the sky, protector of the pharoahs son of Osiris
Anubis God of the dead, Jackal head. Weighs your heart when you enter the afterlife. Associated with death.
Isis Goddess of rebirth. thought to be the mother of all pharoahs
Hathor goddess of love and joy. dfepicted as half cow.
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