Created by Hazel Meades
almost 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Initialisms | When each letter of an abbreviation is pronounced. E.g: OMG. |
Acronym | An abbreviation in which each letter stands for something. The letters are pronounced as a word. E.g: LOL. |
Homophonic representation | When one word is substituted for another because they sound similar. E.g: 2, b, u |
Syntax | How words and sentences are constructed. |
Logogram | Writing using a number instead of a letter. E.g: 2 |
Orthography | The part of language concerned with letters and spelling. |
Convergence | When you alter your language to make it more like the language of others, often used to fit in. |
Emoticons | A smiley/frowny face used to convey tone. It's an example of prosodic (how you say it) features. |
Non-lexical onomatopoeia | A word which sounds similar to its meaning and is a neologism. E.g: "aah!" |
Paralinguistic features | Non-spoken communication e.g: body language - XOXO |
Letter omission | When letters are removed from words. E.g: "msg". |
Recycling | Using outdated words for a new purpose e.g: dashboard used to describe part of a car instead of part of a horse and carriage. |
Americanisms | The use of the American way of spelling English words shows the predominance of American technology e.g: disk and program. The widespread use of the Americanisation of words had led to the worry of "linguisitic imperialism". |
Compounding | The fitting of existing words together, for example: "user-friendly", "website" and "laptop". Compound words can be made more 2 or more words joined together. |
Affixation | The fitting of existing affixes to words such as in "hypertext", "cyberspace" and "reboot". These words are used to explain terms to do with the advance in technology. If each word is broken down it can be seen that each word has been formed from joining morphemes together. |
Conversion/function shift | When a word which is in one word class starts to be used in another. E.g: where a noun becomes a verb such as "inbox" and "fax" or where an adjective becomes a noun; "flopp" from "floppy disk". |
Blending | Where 2 words are merged together but when separated don't form 2 free standing morphemes such as in "netiquette" or "emoticon". |
Clipping | The shortening of longer phrases or words which still conveys the full meaning e.g: "floppy" instead of "floppy disk". |
What are some typical features of websites? | Bulleted lists Inverted pyramid style (starting with the conclusion) Half the word count or less than conventional writing Credibility is important and can be increased by hyperlinks to external sites Monologic |
What are some common features of a blog? | Comments Menu button Specific target audience Informal lexis Monologic |
What are some common features of email? | Emboldening to add emphasis to specific details. Sometimes there are bullet points. Tend to have a formal register, although it can vary depending on the target audience. Sales websites sometimes use a first and last name to seem like they know you. |
What are some common features of social networking sites? | Emoticons Hashtags to assert a topic Ellipsis Fillers Homophonic representation !? used frequently Cultural references |
Crystal | Text speak enriches the English language because it encourages people to be more creative. Plus, texting is only a small ripple in the whole of the English language. |
Sinclair | Constraints of texting as a new form of communication have led to linguistic compression. He coined the term “compressed English” where methods communication (.g: texting, Twitter) have clipped words to save time and space. |
Jacob Neilsen | Suggested that webpages have to be concise, scannable and objective. |
Fairclough | Computers imitate human interaction - i.e. "are you sure?". They allow you to "take turns" - i.e. using a drop down menu for your turn. |
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