Literary Terms--Kayla


Shihan Xu
Flashcards by Shihan Xu, updated more than 1 year ago
Shihan Xu
Created by Shihan Xu almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Allegory a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. 寓言
Alliteration the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. 头韵
Allusion an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. 暗示 E.g. the markers of scream movies ALLUDED TO the art "The scream".
Bildungsroman a novel dealing with one person's formative years or spiritual education. 教育小说
Connotation an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning. 内涵
Foreshadowing be a warning or indication of (a future event). 伏笔
Hubris excessive pride or self-confidence. 傲慢
Juxtaposition the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. 并置
Motif a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition. 主题
Satire the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. 讽刺
Syntax the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. "the syntax of English" 语法
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