The Noun Phrase (Pre- and Posthead dependents)


Grammar in Use Flashcards on The Noun Phrase (Pre- and Posthead dependents), created by Lisza Neumeier on 18/01/2017.
Lisza Neumeier
Flashcards by Lisza Neumeier, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisza Neumeier
Created by Lisza Neumeier over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pre-head dependents DETERMINERS PREFHEAD MODIFIERS both more specifically in other flashcard set
COMPLEMENTS → ‘controlled’ by the noun functioning as head in the NP -> strong connection → May belong to a number of classes e.g. noun clause, prepositional phrase, etc. → A new sense |of confidence| = Prepositional phrase → His decision |to surrender| = Infinitival clause
POSTFHEAD MODIFIERS → Do not rely upon the presence of a particular type of noun → Less closely tied to the noun = OPTIONAL → May be long to a number of classes too e.g. PPs, relative clauses, AdjP, etc. → A warning |for the present era.| = PP → A society |that’s increasingly reaching back to paganism| = Relative clause
PERIPHERAL DEPENDENTS = non-defining relative clause → Have a passing character, because set off from the rest of the NP by a comma → The car, which Sue used to drive = Peripheral dependent; relative clause → My sister, who has just returned from Paris, is feeling ill → APPOSITION = NP directly followed by another NP e.g. Dr Mike Grey, dentist
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