unit 2.3


Flashcards on unit 2.3, created by makargbe dukuly on 14/02/2017.
makargbe dukuly
Flashcards by makargbe dukuly, updated more than 1 year ago
makargbe dukuly
Created by makargbe dukuly over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is meiosis? meiosis is the process of cell division that produces the gametes- sperm and eggs
what are the gametes? The gametes are the sex cells. They are the: 1)eggs produced in the ovaries of the female reproductive system 2)sperm produced in the testes of the male reproductive system
how many chromosomes do the gametes have? the gametes have 23 chromosomes which are known as the haploid number or n
are the female and male sex chromosomes homologous pairs? the female sex chromosomes are homologous pairs but the male ones aren't
how many stages of meiosis are there? there are 6 stages of meiosis
what are the 6 stages? 1) metaphase I 2) anaphase I 3) telophase I 4) metaphase II 5) anaphase II 6) telophase II
what happens in the first stage of metaphase? replicated chromosomes from homologous pairs attach to spindle fibres and line up in the middle
what happens in the first stage of anaphase? one replicated chromosome of each plate moves to each pole
what happens in the first stage of telophase? two cells are forme each with one replicated chromosome
what happens in the second stage of metaphase? chromosomes line up on the equator attached to spindle fibres
what happens in the second stage of anaphase? chromatids separate and move to poles
what happens in the second stage of telophase? four cells result with one copy of each chromosome. These are known as haploid gametes
what is sexual reproduction? it is the role of the male and female reproductive systems to ensure that: 1) the male and female gametes meet 2) fertilisation takes place 3) the new individual has the best chance of surviving
in what part of the flower does meiosis produce haploid pollen? the anther
in what part of the flower does meiosis produce haploid ovules? the ovary
in females where does meiosis take place and what does it produce? it takes place in the ovaries producing haploid eggs
in males where does meiosis take place and what does it produce? it takes place in the testes producing haploid sperm
when does fertilisation occur? when a single egg and a single sperm fuse in an animal, or when an ovule and pollen cell fuse in a plant.
what happens when fertilisation occurs? new offspring's are created
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