Health and safety amy yearl


Flashcards on Health and safety amy yearl, created by Amy Yearl on 21/03/2017.
Amy Yearl
Flashcards by Amy Yearl, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Yearl
Created by Amy Yearl over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Health and Safety As ICT has been fully integrated into the workplace, this has led to an increase in health and safety issues.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) A range of conditions affecting the muscles and joints I n the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists and hands. Occurs when the same muscle groups perform the same actions over and over again e.g. constantly using the keyboard.
How can it be minimised? Take regular breaks, use a designed keyboard and mouse, use a wrist rest and use an adjustable chair.
Eyestrain Headaches, blurred vision and deterioration in eyesight. Caused by over exposure to screen.
How it can be minimised? Use anti-glare screen, use swivel bases on screen, screen with adjustable brightness , have regular eye tests.
Back pain Discomfort leading to back pain. Less work is done. Can be related to the sitting position at the computer.
How can it be minimised? Take regular breaks, walk around to exercise muscles, use adjustable chair with back resting and height adjustment.
Radiation computer VDUs can give out extremely low radiation. Illness may occur if the user works for long periods in front of a computer screen.
How can it be minimised? Take regular breaks, use anti-glare filter, low-emission screen, swivel screen to deflect the glare.
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