Comparative Cognition - Language


(Behavioural psychology) Flashcards on Comparative Cognition - Language, created by cjjstone on 04/05/2014.
Flashcards by cjjstone, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cjjstone about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Two ways in which non-human language capabilities have been examined? Assessing the nature and purposes of communication between animals of a given species. Examining whether a new language can be acquired by a non-human
Non-humans learning language is controversial because? Agruments that humans are the only ones that use "real language" Although others suggest we just haven't thought up the right procedure required to demonstrate animal language abilities
Traditional Approach between communication and language? Communication is what animals do, language is purely a human ability
Animal conmmunications involves what? Production of signals, reception of signals, and comprehension of meaning
Evidence that Animal communication is intentional rather than reflexive Vervet monkeys alert groups when predators are detected, they do not however alert when no other monkeys are around, and there are different types of calls depending on the particular predator
Evidence of Complex rules in animal communication Chickadees possess calls which use 4 basic elements - ABCD. These elements are always used in that particular order.
Differences between human language and animal communication Animal communication is primarily for signalling purposes, and there is no generation of novel phrases or conversation
Earlier attempts to teach chimps spoken language failed because of what? Chimps do not have the physiological parts, i.e. vocal chords or larynx, required to make human speech
Chimps who have learnt Sign language? Washoe, Nim Chimpsky,
Sarah and Premack? Sarah learnt language using tokens, she had some understanding of word order, but rarely initiated conversations
Evidence of language in animals suggests Superficially animal language is the same as human language , however, animals language is language to a different extent that human language. Language ability as a spectrum
Elements of Language Symbolic, Semantic, Generative, Structured
Symbolic using arbitrary symbols. Animals seem capable of this
Semantic Has meaning associated with it. Animals seem capable of this
Generative Totally spontaneous new communications need to be possible from existing elements (novel). Less evidence of this
Structured needs to follow grammatical rules. Less convincing evidence
Kanzi's language used hand gestures and symbols presented by keypads. Kanzi learnt learnt to understand spoken before training (obseved mother's training). Displayed language acquisition before any formal training.
Features of Kanzi's language use 1. Able to string together symbols and gestures to express a wide variety of expressions. 2. spontaneous. 3. rarely repeated or combined words that did not make sense together.
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