Year 9 unit 4 revision (Maths)


Pythagoras circles area and volume trigonometrey bearings plans and elavations
Emma Rosling
Flashcards by Emma Rosling, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma Rosling
Created by Emma Rosling over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
how do you work out the area of a circle? Pi times radius squared
how do you work out the cicumfrence of a circle? Pi times diametre
how do you work out an arc lenghth? angle divided by 360 times pi times diametre
how do you work out the area of the sector? Pi times radius squared times angle divided by 360 degrees
what is pythagoras therom? C squared = a squared + b squred
What are are the names of all the sides of the triangle? Hypotenuse, Adjacent, Opposite
what do you use trigonometrey for? to find the angle of the triangle or a missing side if there is only one other side
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