Paper 1- Memory


Flashcards on Paper 1- Memory, created by Poppy Boyfield on 10/04/2017.
Poppy Boyfield
Flashcards by Poppy Boyfield, updated more than 1 year ago
Poppy Boyfield
Created by Poppy Boyfield over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Paper 1 Memory
What is sensory memory -where information from our senses is stored temporarily -unless we pay attention to it decays -it has a limited capacity -info is coded depending on the sense
What is STM? -Short term memory is coded acoustically -7+/- Items capacity -15-30 second duration -Study was done by Peterson and Peterson
What is LTM? -Coded semantically -unlimited capacity -Duration indefinite -Study by Bahrick et al -3 types: episodic, semantic and procedural
Episodic memory -stores info about events that you've experienced, ie concerts or visits out contains info about time and place, the emotions you felt and the details of what happened, they can consciously be recalled
Sensory memory -stores facts and knowledge that we learnt and can consciously be recalled, i.e capitals of cities and word meanings it doesn't contain info on time and place or place where you learnt them, just simple knowledge
Procedural memory -stores knowledge on how we to do things, such as walking, swimming and playing the piano. this info cannot be consciously recalled.
What is the study for sensory memory? Sperling (1960)
Method? -lab exp -P's given a grid with 3 rows of four letters -for 0.5 seconds then had to immediately recall either the whole or rows based on a tone
Results? -when told to recall all grid they only managed four or five letters -when a row was indicated the p's recalled an average of 3 items recalled, no matter which row was indicated.
Conclusion? -Almost the whole grid was held in their sensory memory, they couldn't record it all however as it began to fade before they finished of recall.
Study of STM?? Peterson and Peterson 1959
Method? -P's were shown nonsense trigrams and asked to recall after either 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds. -during pause they were asked to count backwards in threes from a given number to stop rehearsal
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