Cold War Key: Flashcards


GCSE Subject 2.0: nearing exams (History: According to the Specification) Flashcards on Cold War Key: Flashcards, created by Lamar Wilson on 14/04/2017.
Lamar Wilson
Flashcards by Lamar Wilson, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacksearle over 10 years ago
Lamar Wilson
Copied by Lamar Wilson over 7 years ago

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Question Answer
Yalta Conference when, who attended and what was discussed? 1945 The big three attended. Stalin (USSR), Roosevelt (USA), and Churchill (UK) Discussed punishing war criminals from WWII. Stalin agreed to enter the war against Japan once Germany surrendered. Agreed that Germany would be divided into four zones. All agreed to join United Nations. Agreed eastern Europe seen as 'soviet sphere of influence' as 20 million soviets died.
Explain the surrender of Germany 1945, sign an unconditional surrender. This was due to the forcing of the Russian army.
Potsdam Conference when, who attended, what was decided? 1945 Attlee (UK) Truman (USA) Stalin (USSR) Reassurance over four zones. France, Britain, USSR and USA.
Bombing of Hiroshima when, why how many people died? 6 August 1945 Japan refused to surrender. 100,000 deaths.
Bombing of Nagasaki when? 8 August 1945
Iron Curtain Speech when and why? 1946 Churchill's primary purpose was to argue for an even closer 'special relationship' between the US and UK.
Truman Doctrine when, what, why? 1947 American policy of providing economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey of $400 million because they were threatened by communism.
What was Truman's main goal in 1947? CONTAINMENT
Marshall Plan when, what, why? 1947 America gave over $13 billion to rebuild western European countries after WWII because there was a coal shortage and extreme shortage of all goods. (food and clothing)
Cominform What, when, who set it up, why? Communist Information Bureau, set up by Stalin. His reaction to the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan. 1947 These countries were expected to only trade with each other.
When did Communists takeover Czechoslovakia? 1948
Berlin Blockade what, when why? 1948-1948 Stalin blocked all routes into West Berlin so they had no food or supplies. Stalin attempted to keep Germany weak. The three other zones in Germany had merged together and got Marshall Aid. The western zone set up new currency. He attempted to weaken all of Berlin because West were prospering so well.
Berlin Airlift when, what? 1948-1949 The west attempt to assist people in Berlin. 1.5 million tons of supplies and a plane landed every three minutes.
When, What and Why was NATO formed? 1949 Military pact of all the Western countries, agreed to help each other at any act of aggression. Planes with nuclear bombs could be held in countries near to USSR which could be used at any given time.
USSR tests Atomic Bomb 1949
When was the Berlin Blockade lifted? 1949
Korean War when, why, who supported who? 1950-1953 Korean War began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea. USA supported South Korea, USSR supported North Korea.
USA tests Hydrogen Bomb 1952
Stalin's Death? 1953
Korean Ceasefire July 1953
Geneva Agreement on Indochina 1954
1st Taiwan Straits Crisis 1954
Khrushchev's first visit to China 1954
USA first Intercontinental Bombers 1955
Warsaw Pact Established 1955
Geneva Summit 1955
Khrushchev's Secret Speech 1956
USSR first TU20 bear (intercontinental bomber) 1956
Soviets invade Hungary 1956
Sputnik 1957
Eisenhower warned of Missile Gap 1957
Khrushchev criticises Great Leap Forward 1958
2nd Berlin Crisis 1958
2nd Taiwan Straits Crisis 1958
Sino-Soviet agreement on atomic cooperation cancelled 1959
Cuban Revolution 1959
U2 Spy Plane incident 1960
JFK becomes President 1961
Yuri Gugarin first man in space 1961
Bay of Pigs invasion 1961
Vienna Summit 1961
Berlin Wall erected 1961
Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962
Hot line telephone link/Nuclear test ban treaty 1963
China 1st Nuclear Bomb test 1964
Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1968
Sino-Soviet border clashes - Ussuri River 1969
Nixon Visits China 1972
Salt I agreed 1972
Apollo-Soyuz Link up 1975
Helsinki Accords 1975
Salt II signed but not ratified 1979
Soviets invade Afghanistan 1979
Martial Law in Poland 1980
SDI announced 1983
Gorbachev becomes Soviet leader 1985
Washington Summit (INF Treaty) 1987
Collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe 1989
Reunification of Germany 1990
End of USSR 25th December 1991
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