

Dee P
Flashcards by Dee P, updated more than 1 year ago
Dee P
Created by Dee P over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a reflex? Rapid involuntary stereotyped response to sensory stimulis. Inc. muscle contraction and glandular responses (eg lactation)
Describe spinal reflexes Need stim, quick (few synapses), involuntary, automatic (little higher input) & stereotyped(simple circuitry)
Describe how the patellar reflex occurs Stim to knee -> Spinal nerve to ventral root ->direct synapse to motor -> Passes through dorsal root & dorsal root ganglion -> stims extensor muscle contraction
Why does the patellar reflex occur? Thigh extensor muscle stretches, reflex corrects stretching - PROPRIOCEPTIVE system
Describe the stretch reflex Sensory fibre detects stretch and signals spinal cord -> Direct connection to motor neuron & AP contracts bicep -> At same time connection to inhibitory neuron inhibits m neurons in tricep so it relaxes (RECIPROCAL INHIBITION)
What are muscle spindles? Proprioceptors (sense organs that monitor position and movement of body parts). Found in striated muscle esp ones involved in fine motor control
Describe muscle spindle innervation Innervated by Ia sensory fibres which provide feedback on amount of muscle stretch occurring to alpha motor neurons innervating the surrounding muscles
What are gamma motor neurons Their axons also innervate muscle spindles. Stim intrafusal (muscle) fibres to adjust spindle tension as extrafusal (muscle) fibres contract, so spindle is never slack
Loss of proprioception Ian Waterman- 1972 infection destroyed his proprioception. Has to monitor every action. Also lost kinesthesia (sense of body moving in space)
Describe the Golgi Tendon Organ Proprioceptor that detects muscle tension due to contraction. GTO sensory (Ib) afferent activation activated inhibitory interneurons which inhibit alpha motor neurons of that muscle. Prevents muscle contracting too much
Describe the flexor reflex Flexor muscles contract quickly to withdraw limb from injurious stimulus (eg. heat). Results from activation of nociceptors. Postsynaptic reflec (multiple interneurons activate to sustain response --> PARALLEL AFTER DISCHARGE CIRCUIT)
Why do flexor reflexes often include contralateral elements? Because rapid withdrawal of a limb may lead to imbalance
What is the role of inhibitory interneurons in the flexor reflex? Activate to relax extensor muscles (reciprocal inhibition)
Describe the crossed extensor reflex Pain in fight foot -> sensory activates excitatory and inhib. interneurons -> Ipsilat. m. neurons to flexor excite -> Ipsilat. flexor contracts -> Contralat. m. neurons to extensor excite -> Contralat. extensor contracts
What effect does spinal cord severing have on activity alternation & what does this imply? Basic activity alternation continues, which implies local circuits generate patterns of alternating flexion and tension (central pattern generators)
Nematode proprioception TRP4 loss leads to loopy swimming. DVA neuron detects body bending directly, repetitive spikes in swimming. DVA inhibits motor neurons
Describe Meissner corpuscles Location: Dermal papillae of skin (palm,eyelid/lips,tongue) Modality: Light, touch, texture (movement) Sensitive to 30-50 Hz Adapt rapidly
Describe Pacinian Corpuscles Location: dermis, joint capsules and viscera Modality: Deep pressure, stretch, tickle, vibration Sensitive to 250-350 Hz Adapt rapidly
Describe Ruffini Corpuscles Location: dermis, subcutaneous tissue, joint capsules
Brain-->Spinal cord Cranial/Rostral & caudal
Top of arm/leg--->Bottom of arm/foot Proximal & Distal
Head-->Feet Superior, Inferior
Front--> back Anterior/Ventral,Posterior/dorsal
Middle of torso --> Hand Medial,Lateral
Same side of body/ Opposite side of body Ipsilateral / contralateral
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