Language Arts Exam


7th Grade Language Arts Exam
Lindsay Garrett
Flashcards by Lindsay Garrett, updated more than 1 year ago
Lindsay Garrett
Created by Lindsay Garrett over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A comparison of two unlike things using like or as is a(n) ________. Simile
An implied comparison between two relatively unlike things is a(n) ________. Metaphor
An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect is a(n) ________. Hyperbole
Giving human qualities to nonhuman things is called ________. Personification
The repetition of initial consonant sounds is called ________. Alliteration
An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meaning of the words in the expression is called a(n) ________. Idiom
Words that mimic sounds are called ________. Onomatopoeias
What structure helps improve the clarity and efficiency of your writing? Parallel Structure
What does parallel structure do? Uses the same grammatical forms in a sentence.
Using some of the text exactly the way it appears, using quotation marks and giving credit to the author is called ________. Quoting
When do you use quotes? When there is no better way to say it than the way the author said it or it supports your claim best with exact words.
Rewriting some of the text using your own words to express the same idea, while giving credit to the author is called ______. Paraphrasing
When should you paraphrase? When you can explain the idea more clearly and concisely without using direct quotes.
The _______ tells the reader what the rest of the essay is about. This is a fact that the writer wants to prove or explain. The rest of the paper's job is to prove this. Thesis Statement
The ________ is different than your thesis statement. This shows only what the paragraph it is attached to is about. Topic Statement
_________ are clues that can serve as direct links to the meanings of unfamiliar words. Direct Context Clues
_________ are less obvious than direct context clues. They can be found in specific examples, in the tone or setting or a piece, or in results and consequences Indirect context clues
______ is the overall feelings the reader gets from reading the author's words. This is shown through: •_______ (The time and place in which the action of the story takes place) •______ ( The author's attitude towards the audience, the subject or a character •_______(Word choice) Mood Setting Tone Diction
When the character faces a struggle against another character. May be a disagreement or an issue and can be mental or physical. Character vs. Character
When the character faces a struggle that involves elements of nature that are beyond his/her control. Character vs. Nature
When the character battles what they perceive to be an unjust or unfair element of government or culture. Character vs. Society
When the character struggles against a machine or technology. Character vs. Technology
The character faces a struggle within himself/herself Character vs. Self
When there is struggle within the mind of a character. Internal Conflict
When there is a struggle between a character and an outside force. External Conflict
Introduces the setting and that characters. Reveals the conflict or sets the stage for it. Exposition
First conflict and hooks the reader in and is event that moves the story forward. Inciting Incident
Introduces obstacles that make conflict more complicated. Builds suspense as "the plot thickens." Rising Action
Turning point in the story and the moment of greatest suspense. Presents the conflict at its most intense and dramatic moment. Climax
Reveals the outcomes of the story's climax, eases tension and shows how main character resolves conflict. Falling Action
Reveals the story's final outcome and ties up any loose ends. Resolution
What is CER? Claim Evidence Reasoning
What is a claim? State a direct response to the question/prompt.
What is evidence? Providing reliable information that supports the claim.
What is reasoning? Explaining how the evidence supports the claim.
Begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun. Prepositional Phrase
The noun at the end of the prepositional phrase. Object of the Preposition
A singular subject gets a _______ verb. A plural subject gets a _______ verb. Singular Plural
A _________ subjects' subjects are joined by and usually take a plural verb, unless the _________ subject is used as a single unit. Then it takes a singular verb. Compound
A _______ is a word used in place of a noun. A(n) _______ is the word a personal pronoun refers to. Pronoun Antecedent
________ pronouns change their forms to reflect person, number and case. Number: Pronouns can be _______ or _______ Case: Personal pronouns change their ______ depending how they are used in a sentence. Each pronoun has three cases: ______,______,______. Personal Singular Plural Forms Subject, Object, and Possessive.
Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in _______,_______,_______. Number, Person and Gender.
______________ pronouns take singular verbs while ____________ pronouns take plural verbs. Singular Indefinite Plural Indefinite
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