Carbohydrates, Metabolism & spectrometry


undergrad Chemistry Flashcards on Carbohydrates, Metabolism & spectrometry, created by tanitia.dooley on 15/05/2013.
Flashcards by tanitia.dooley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tanitia.dooley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are alpha and beta sugars? If OH on same face as anomeric carbon (cis)= beta/ If on opposite face (trans)=alpha
What location defines a D and L sugar? If OH on left=L on right=D
What is an epimer? a diastereoisomer that differs in configuration at only one of the stereogenic centres
What is an anomer? A type of an epimer that differs in configuration at the anomeric position
How does metabolism help excretion of drugs? By increasing polarity and water solubility of the drugs
glucose+glucose= maltose
glucose+fructose= sucrose
Describe the process of mass spectrometry the sample is vaporised and high energy electrons are fired at it causing part of the sample to be ejected=charged ion. A detector sorts charged ions into the relative mass-to-charge ratios and determines the relative amounts of each
what is a base peak? Most intense signal which arise from bond cleavages that occur readily
Name two unfavourable fragments CH3+ and H+
What would be seen in a mass spec if there was an aromatic next to a Ch2? peak at 91 due to [C7H7]+ and a peak at 65 due to loss of ethane
What is the molecular peak for an acylium cation on a mass spec? [COCH3]+. why is this stable? 43 because cleaving next to a carbonyl is stable because +ve charge can be delocalised onto both oxygen and carbon so more spread out
What is the peak found for a phenyl cation? [C6H5]+ 77
name some monoisotopic elements? F, I, P
What elements have a low abundance of other isotypes? H + N
What elements have variations? Cl, Br, S, Si, C
What does a 75:25% ratio suggest? Cl
What does a 50:50% ratio suggest? Br
What is MALDI? softer technique, produces molecular ion with one positive charge-molecular weight of molecular more easily determined
What is ESI? Softer technique, adds protons instead of electrons, produces multiple charges meaning multiple m/z values for same molecule
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