Topic 2 ICT


Flashcards on Topic 2 ICT, created by amy.collier14 on 26/05/2014.
Flashcards by amy.collier14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amy.collier14 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is hardware? The parts of the computer you can see and touch.
What is software? The programming code that makes a computer work.
What are standards? Set of rules that both software and hardware must follow if they want to be recognised by certain bodies.
Advantages of standards? More choice from a variety of manufactures: Dell, Compaq, HP, Lower prices due to the competition Not locked into one manufacturer: can replace the Dell printer with
Disadvantages of standards? Once you purchased the equipment you would locked into this manufacturer as the devices are not compatible Need to go to specialist retail outlet Cannot compare the performance of the equipment as they all follow different standards
Visual impairment devices? Sticky keys Text to speech
Devices to help visually impaired? Braille keyboard Microphone Loudspeaker Braille printer
Specialist hardware devices for Motor Impairment? Mouth Stick Puff-suck tube Tongue activated joystick Eye-typer Foot-mouse
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