Key Features of Detente 1970-75


A Levels History Flashcards on Key Features of Detente 1970-75, created by Reeliams on 29/05/2014.
Flashcards by Reeliams, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Reeliams over 10 years ago

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The Moscow Summit 1972 Outcomes SALT 1 The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty The Interim Agreement on Offensive Missiles The Basic Principles Agreement Joint Commercial Commission- negotiated trade deals between the Superpowers
SALT 1 Negotiations on arms limitations started November 1969 in private so they could share sensitive information May 1972: Nixon and Brezhnev signed the agreements. It was significant as it changed the relationship between the two powers and showed they were willing to work together to minimise the arms race.
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Restricted the USA and USSR to two ABM shields- each armed with 100 missiles each Further development of ABM technology was restricted An oversight commission was established to enforce this
The Interim Agreement on Offensive Missiles Due to last for 5 years in anticipation of a full agreement to be drawn up up 1977 Limited the number of missile launchers each side could have as follows: Missile Launchers- USA: 1618, USSR: 1054 Submarine Based Launchers- USA: 740, USSR: 656
The Basic Principles Agreement Made up of 12 fundamental Principles designed to underpin and stabilise Superpower relations. It included: An acceptance that they would co-exist peacefully, recognise each other as equals and, in times of crisis, exercise restraint to avoid confrontation. It was a separate agreement to SALT 1
European Ostpolitik European nations- own form of Détente Governments working to address the problems created by a divided Europe 1970-1 East and West Germany negotiated Berlin agreement, guaranteeing the borders of West Berlin and that the Eastern bloc would not invade W. German territory It was important to Détente as it helped stabilise East- West relationships.
The Helsinki Accords 1975 Basket 1: Security Issues Basket 2: Economic, Cultural, Scientific, and Environmental Issues Basket 3: Human Rights and Loosening of Travel Restrictions These were only pledges, however, and could not be legally enforced
The Significance of the Helsinki Accords Led to Unforeseen problems for E. Europe Basket 2 highlighted Communist economic inferiorities- leading citizens to question the efficiency of the communist economy- undermining peoples belief in communism Basket 3- Also problematic as the lowering of travel restrictions led to the discovery of greater freedom of press, speech and religion- an attractive alternative to communist rule
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