High Availability - FortiADC - Network Security Expert


High Availability Basis, Concept, Configuration and Verification
Jonathan D. Rebollo
Flashcards by Jonathan D. Rebollo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan D. Rebollo
Created by Jonathan D. Rebollo almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the HA Modes in FortiADC? Standalone Active - Active Active - Passive
What is the HA Priority default value? Priority 5
What is the Priority range value? Priority from 0 to 9
How is the HA Active election when override is disbled? Consider highest UP-TIME instead of PRIORITY
How does HA Active election is performed when OVERRIDE is enabled? Consider PRIORITY (Lowest) instead of UP-TIME
HA configuration requirements 1.- Change mode from STANDALONE to HA 2.- Set up a Group Name (Must be the same in all cluster members) 3.- Set up a Group ID (Must be the same in all cluster members). Range 0-31 default value 0 4.- At least one interface connected for Heartbeat
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