Risk Analysis & HACCP


Animal Disease 1 (Control of Disease) Flowchart on Risk Analysis & HACCP, created by Florence Edwards on 11/05/2017.
Florence Edwards
Flowchart by Florence Edwards, updated more than 1 year ago
Florence Edwards
Created by Florence Edwards over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Risk Analysis
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • Risk Communication
  • Hazard Identification
  • Hazard Characterisation
  • Exposure Assessment
  • Risk Characterisation
  • Biological, chemical or physical agent with potential to cause adverse health effect
  • Detectable agentIdentifiable sourceCausality of adverse effectControl measure
  • Known effectsNature of adverse effectsImpact in population
  • Pathogen behaviour & severityDose response relationship
  • Level of agent in food at time of consumption
  • Likely exposure within population under studyModel of food production from origin to point of consumption
  • Overall probability of occurrence and severity of adverse health effects in population
  • Case control studiesQualitative: high, medium, low riskQuantitative
  • Weigh policy alternatives in consultation with interested parties
  • Is risk high enough for control?Acceptable level of riskControl measuresMonitoring of control measures
  • 5 PrinciplesOpen & transparentInvolvementProportionality & consistencyEvidenceResponsibility
  • Interactive exchange of information throughout risk analysis process
  • HazardsRisksRelated control measures
  • StakeholdersConsumersScientistsCompetent authorities
  • European Commission
  • European Food Safety Auhority
  • European Food Safety Authority
  • Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points
  • 1) Identify hazards to be prevented or reduced
  • 2) Identify critical control points where control is essential
  • 3) Establish critical limits for critical control points
  • 4) Establish procedures to monitor critical control points
  • 5) Establish corrective actions
  • 6) Establish procedures to verify effectiveness
  • 7) Establish documents and records to demonstrate effective application
  • Biological, chemical or physical
  • Draw process diagram of each step
  • Step which if controlled will prevent, eliminate or reduce hazard
  • Control measures vital to achieve food safety
  • Effective: hazard fully controlled
  • Not absolute: hazard minimised
  • Target levels indicating product at risk from hazard
  • Must be measurable or observable
  • Example: maximum fridge temperature
  • Regular observation or measurements
  • Detect problem before critical limits reached
  • Defined methodSampling plansResponsibilityFrequency
  • Actions to be taken if monitoring indicates CCP out of control
  • Specific action for each CCP
  • Prevent re-occurrence
  • Validation: efficacyEquivalent to GHP controlsBenchmark parameters
  • Independent review
  • Product testing
  • Details of HACCP planMonitoring recordsCorrective actionsVerification results
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