English course II


Mapa Mental de los Entornos del Curso de Inglés
Patricia Meza
Mind Map by Patricia Meza, updated more than 1 year ago
Patricia Meza
Created by Patricia Meza about 7 years ago

Resource summary

English course II
  1. Starting Information
    1. Course Agenda
      1. Course Presentation
        1. Duties and rights
          1. Course News
            1. Course general Forum
            2. Knowledge environment
              1. Syllabus
                1. Unit 1 and 2
                  1. Glossary
                  2. Collaborative learning environment
                    1. Teacher's Monitoring
                      1. Synchronous assessment by Webconference
                        1. Synchronous support by Skype
                          1. In situ accompaniment
                          2. Lerning Strategy Development
                            1. Activities and Guides
                          3. Practice learning environment
                            1. Speaking Guide
                              1. Guide for the use of educational resources
                              2. Practicies Activities
                                1. Practice Link
                              3. Monitoring and evaluation environment
                                1. Initial Evaluation
                                  1. Unit 1 and 2 evaluations
                                  2. Intermediate Evaluation
                                    1. Evaluation Activities from 3 to 8
                                    2. Final Evaluation
                                      1. Evaluation activity 9
                                    3. Student´s Management environment
                                      1. Academic Managment
                                        1. Academic news
                                          1. Laboratory scheduling
                                            1. Programs and tuitions
                                              1. Saber Pro - ICFES
                                                1. Investigation management system
                                                2. Administrative Managment
                                                  1. Students network
                                                    1. Unique application format – UAF (FUS)
                                                      1. Registration and Tuition
                                                        1. Virtual campus authentication process
                                                          1. Student services
                                                            1. UNAD Services
                                                              1. User care system – UCS (SAU)
                                                                1. National registration and academic control system
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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