What is the importance of the ciclovias?


Mind Map on What is the importance of the ciclovias?, created by Pietra Cunha on 13/09/2017.
Pietra Cunha
Mind Map by Pietra Cunha, updated more than 1 year ago
Pietra Cunha
Created by Pietra Cunha over 6 years ago

Resource summary

What is the importance of the ciclovias?
  1. Cycle paths are important for people to go out for a ride and ride a bike but the robberies are increasing and people are a fraid to go to the bike lane and so many will not go
    1. Are robberies only on bike paths?
      1. occurs many assalts in ciclvia?
        1. but, do people respect the bike path space?
        2. In my opinion the ciclovias has great importance because It offers a good space for cyclists to walk and exercise during the day and at night.
          1. Is it safe to do exercises at night?
            1. Is necessary have ciclovia more larger?
            2. In my opinion, the ciclovias are important and essencial mainly for those who use bibycle for transport. But nowadays the bad thing is that happen accidents and problems in the cities.
              1. The ciclovias are important only for those who use bikes as transportation?
                1. But is it forbidden to walk on the bike path?
                  1. Is it the bike lanes were only used by cyclists would have accidents?
                  2. The ciclovias are very important, Because the use of bike is sighted for one of the solutions for urban transport. But in our city has little ciclovias.
                    1. What benefits does the use of bicycle as urban transport behind?
                      1. why the use of the bicycle is sighted for one of the solutions for urban transport?
                      2. In my opinion, the ciclovias is important. But it must be a safe place for cyclists, Don´t have risk of the cyclist getting in the way of cars.
                        1. How can we make the bike path safer?
                          1. Does the Novo Hamburgo ciclovia have any risk of getting into the cars
                          2. The ciclovias are very beneficente, the objective is of great interest, because it is an “exclusive” place for the prática of a sport,but has been devalued.
                            1. which sport?
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