Towns and Cities of the Future


Magisterio (Educación) Mind Map on Towns and Cities of the Future, created by cristina piñeros on 30/10/2017.
cristina piñeros
Mind Map by cristina piñeros, updated more than 1 year ago
cristina piñeros
Created by cristina piñeros over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Towns and Cities of the Future
  1. Useful language
    1. It is interesting
    2. desarrollo
      1. la - }
        1. }
          1. }
            1. }
                  1. A Survey Report
                    1. Analyze
                      1. Evaluate
                        1. Prepare
                          1. Present
                          2. Two or three classes
                            1. class divided into project groups.
                              1. Students create a list of features that the towns and cities of the future will or might have
                                1. Students share their research about towns and cities of the future
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