A Story from Google Shows You Don’t Need Power to Drive Strategy


Mind Map on A Story from Google Shows You Don’t Need Power to Drive Strategy, created by Jamer Ruiz on 24/11/2019.
Jamer Ruiz
Mind Map by Jamer Ruiz, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamer Ruiz
Created by Jamer Ruiz over 4 years ago

Resource summary

A Story from Google Shows You Don’t Need Power to Drive Strategy
  1. Brian Fitzpatrick
    1. Eric Schmidt
      1. Five things to do in order to success strategically
        1. They develop a broad and varied network of relationships,
          1. allows to obtain knowledge of other areas and identify needs and solutions from them
          2. They orchestrate milestones to build their credibility
            1. Using a combination of success stories and communication from supporters to legitimize their work
            2. They identify strategy gaps,
              1. focus on areas where solutions are but are not applied effectively
              2. They work with an eye toward scale.
                1. Working step by step and giving rise to priorities will ensure success
                2. They link their work to existing priorities,
                  1. Don't let the "urgent" outweigh the "important"
                3. By Jamer Ruiz November 24th Group 212053_3
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