American Horrors


The pit and the pendulum and The facts in the case of M. Valdemar
Damaris Rendón Flores
Mind Map by Damaris Rendón Flores, updated more than 1 year ago
Damaris Rendón Flores
Created by Damaris Rendón Flores over 4 years ago

Resource summary

American Horrors
  1. The Pit and the Pendulum
    1. The narrator was condemned to death.
      1. He was taken to a room where it was a pit.
        1. He saw a big pendulum over him moving
          1. He escaped from the pendulum but he was about to fall into the pit
          2. He was saved by a french general
          3. The facts in the case of M. Valdemar
            1. The narrator wanted to know:
              1. a dying person could be mesmerized
                1. a dying person's condition made easier or more difficult to mesmerize him
                  1. how long the arrival of death could be stopped
                  2. He began the process of mesmerizing
                    1. when M. Valdemar was mesmerized, the narrator asked if he was asleep
                      1. after some months the narrator tried to wake Valdemar, but he couldn't
                      2. The Black Cat
                        1. There was a man who loved animals
                          1. He had many, and his favorite was a black cat named Pluto
                          2. He became a victim of alcohol
                            1. He hurted the cat
                              1. The narrator killed the cat by hanging it in a tree
                            2. He adopted another cat
                              1. because of the cat the policemen dicovered him of the murder of his wife
                            3. The Oval portrait
                              1. A woman wnt into an abandoned castle to rest
                                1. There were many paintings, and a book with the story of each of them.
                                2. There was an oval portrait
                                  1. The story said that a painter wanted to make a portrait of his wife
                                    1. During the passing days, the painter painted, and the wife got weaker.
                                      1. When the painter finished the paint, he realized that his wife was dead
                                    2. The tell - tale heart
                                      1. The narrator knew an old man.
                                        1. He never felt hate for the man, but the man's blue eye terrified him.
                                          1. so the narrator went every night to see the man sleeping
                                          2. one night the eye was opened.
                                            1. The narrator was very angry
                                            2. The narrator killed the old man and hid the body under some boards of the floor
                                              1. Whe the policemen arrived, the narrator started hearing the old man's heart.
                                                1. The narrator confessed what he had done.
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