Making effective slides


Mind Map on Making effective slides, created by Edi Galeana on 08/03/2020.
Edi Galeana
Mind Map by Edi Galeana, updated more than 1 year ago
Edi Galeana
Created by Edi Galeana over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Making effective slides
  1. "If isn't written, write it yourself" -Franz Kafka
    1. One message per slide
      1. We are extremely limited to understanding more
      2. Working memory
        1. There is something in our brain called "the redundancy effect"
          1. Sweet bits of text and an image
        2. Limited Amount of Text
          1. Clear Headine
            1. Suporting Image
              1. "If companies would have as little respect for business as they have for presentations the majority would go bankrupt" -Dr. John Medina
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