
presentation and explanation about CO2
nicol saray medina caucali
Mind Map by nicol saray medina caucali, updated more than 1 year ago
nicol saray medina caucali
Created by nicol saray medina caucali over 4 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Carbon cycle.
      1. it's a compound natural which is essential for the biological cycle of plants and harvests, and so both highly beneficial and necessary for life in the planet.
        1. IT'S A GAS
        2. It is soluble in water when the pressure is kept constant and is normally found in nature in gaseous form
          1. In the food industry, it is injected into beverages (sodas) to provide effervescence.
            1. INDUSTRIAL USE
              1. It is part of the compounds present in fire extinguishers, since CO2 is not combustible
              2. It is frequently used as a coolant (in gas or as ice) and in the creation of special effects, such as artificial fog.
                1. It is part of the gases used to form laser beams.
                  1. The CO2 on our planet is part of a biogeochemical cycle that exchanges carbon between the layers of the atmosphere, the water of the seas and the deposits on land
                    1. CO2 contributes to form a gaseous layer in the atmosphere that prevents heat radiation and increases the temperature of the planetary surface, which leads to gradual climatic changes whose effects are suffered by living beings.
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