Sleepy hollow


Mind Map on Sleepy hollow, created by david pavon blanco on 22/04/2020.
david pavon blanco
Mind Map by david pavon blanco, updated more than 1 year ago
david pavon blanco
Created by david pavon blanco about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Sleepy hollow
  1. Is a city
    1. In that city there are ghosts
      1. The most famous is the headless horseman
        1. A teacher called Ichabod
          1. wants to married with a student
            1. But there is other beautifull man called Brom
              1. that wants to married with the student
                1. The student is called Katrina
                  1. One day, there is a party in her house
                    1. Ichabod goes with a hourse of a framer
                      1. When Ichabod arrives at the party, he sees Brom
                        1. Ichabod enters to the house and then he dances with Katrina
                          1. Brom who sees this, gets angry
                            1. When Ichabod was going to the farmer's farm to return the horse to him
                              1. he sees the headless horseman
                                1. Then, he ran with the horse and the hedless horseman
                                  1. threw a pumpkin at his head
                                    1. And Ichabod did not appear again, people say that the headless horseman took him away
    2. I think there is a good and interesting history
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