Fall of the Berlin Wall


: D
Patricia Zárate Martínez
Mind Map by Patricia Zárate Martínez, updated more than 1 year ago
Patricia Zárate Martínez
Created by Patricia Zárate Martínez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Fall of the Berlin Wall
  1. 1961-1989
    1. Background
      1. At the end of world war II, after the division of Germany, Berlin was also divided into four sectors of occupation: Soviet, American, French and English
      2. The construction of the wall
        1. German Democratic Republic (G D R) he began to realize the loss of population he was suffering and on the night of August 12, 1961, he decided to build a provisional wall
          1. The Berlin wall ends up being converted into a concrete wall between 3..5 and 4 meters high, with an interior formed by steel cables to increase its resistance
            1. In 1975, 43 kilometers of the wall were accompanied by the security measures of the strip of death, and the rest was protected by fences
        2. The fall
          1. It was motivated by the opening of the borders between Austria and Hungary inMay 1989, as more and more Germans traveled to Hungary to request asylum in the various embassies of the German Federal Republic
            1. On November 9, 1989 the G D R government stated that the passed to the west was permitted
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