

Estoy haciendo un mapa mental que me obligaron a hacer eso significa que no quisiera hacer esto pero bueno todo sea por terminar tareas
Andrea María López Rodríguez,
Mind Map by Andrea María López Rodríguez,, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea María López Rodríguez,
Created by Andrea María López Rodríguez, almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The more dangerous and difficult presentation was the Water Torture Cell.
    1. Ehrich adopted the name Harry Houdini in the honor of the famous French magician Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin.
      1. The Highlight of his act was an illusion called Metamorphosis. He performed the trick with his wife, Bess, as an assistant.
        1. In Berlin, Germany, police headquarters, he scaped from thumbscrews, finger locks, and five different hand and elbow irons.
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