Ethics and values


describe los valores personales mas importantes en la sociedad
Andrea Vasquez
Mind Map by Andrea Vasquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Vasquez
Created by Andrea Vasquez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Ethics and values
  1. Values ​​are deeply held preferences or ideals that a person aspires.
    1. the social work ethic tells us to respect all people, regardless of if their values ​​are similar to ours
      1. clarification of values
        1. 3. Personal happiness
          1. family
            1. Integrity (honesty
              1. ntegrity refers to the importance of honesty, reliability, and responsibility.
              2. Beauty
                1. Emotional security
                  1. Social justice
                    1. social justice it refers to a world in which everyone is treated fairly.
                    2. Individual choice and autonomy
                      1. Appreciating the values ​​of others "means striving for understand your deeply held ideals and preferences. When others have values ​​that are similar
                        1. Intimate relationships
                          1. Dignity and worth of the person
                            1. significa que todos merecen el respeto. Racismo, etnocentrismo, xenofobia, sexismo, el heterosexismo y otras formas de intolerancia
                            2. competition
                              1. Competence means having the knowledge, skills, and self-awareness required to perform social work tasks in an effective way
                              2. Human rights
                                1. Human rights refer to the system of privileges, civil liberties and rights that every person must enjoy by virtue of its status as a human being
                          2. The Addams model not only reflected the value of help those most in need, but also help through an equitable partnership
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