The seven Wonders of the World


seven wonders María G Kristina Marta
Kristina Agustino
Mind Map by Kristina Agustino, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristina Agustino
Created by Kristina Agustino almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The seven Wonders of the World
  1. Where the list come from?
    1. The Seven Wonders were first defined as “themata” (Greek for 'things to be seen’ which, in today’s common English, we would phrase as 'must sees’) by Philo of Byzantium in 225 BCE, in his work 'On The Seven Wonders’. Other writers on the Seven Wonders include Herodotus, Callimachus of Cyrene and Antipater of Sidon. Of the original seven, only the Great Pyramid exists today.
    2. What does the number 7 simbolished for Ancient Greeks and Maerten van Heemskerck?
      1. Maerten van Heemskerck
        1. He was famous beacause he painted the seven wonders of the world
        2. For Greeks
          1. Many ancients held various beliefs about the supernatural virtues of certain numbers. In ancient Greece, the school of Pythagoras (590 BC) taught the doctrine of the numerical essence of natural events. In accordance with this theory, the number 7 was considered a sacred number and thus vital to human life.
        3. 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
          1. The Temple of Artemis (Ephesus)
            1. Tha Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece)
              1. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
                1. The Mausoleum (Halicarnassus)
                  1. The Colossus of Rhodes
                    1. The Great Pyramid at Giza (Egypt)
                      1. The Lighthouse at Alexandria (Egypt)
                      2. 7 Wonders of the Modern World
                        1. Channel Tunnel (Joins France with the United Kingdom)
                          1. CN Tower (Canada)
                            1. Itaipu Dam (Between Paraguay and Brazil)
                              1. Panama Canal (Between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean)
                                1. Golden Gate Bridge (California)
                                  1. Empire State Building (New York)
                                    1. Netherlands North Sea Protection Works (Netherlands)
                                    2. What are the 7 Wonders?
                                      1. Modern
                                        1. Ancient
                                          1. The Seven Wonders of the World or the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World refers to remarkable constructions of classical antiquity listed by various authors in guidebooks popular among the ancient Hellenic tourists, particularly in the 1st and 2nd centuries BC.
                                            1. Of the original seve wonders , only one (the great pyramid of Giza) the oldest of the ancient wonders-remains relatively intact.
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