Causes & consequences of the Falklands war


By: Keyra Urueta 1C
Mind Map by KEYRA DOMENICA URUETA FALCONI, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KEYRA DOMENICA URUETA FALCONI over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Causes & consequences of the Falklands war
  1. Consequences
    1. Britain was suffering a hard political and economic problems. The great British power had a reduction in the 80s, this that the Argentine junta tried to recover the islands using military force, but the Islanders did not agree since they considered themselves British citizens, therefore they supported Great Britain.
      1. Another consequence that the war left were Medical and psychological disorders in the British soldiers, they had various post-war traumas and psychological disorders such as; anxiety, some became addicted to alcohol and drugs, and several committed suicide.
        1. There were also political and economic consequences The United Kingdom saw the popularity of the Conservative government increase, this meant a 3% increase in productivity. While in Argentina the fact that they lost the war caused more protests against the military regime and Galtieri was forced to resign.
          1. There were military sequels; The world realized that both Great Britain and Argentina used a common weapons system and combat strategies, this was studied in the military intelligence of several countries to be implemented by them on future occasions, especially it was well analyzed by the Soviets and use it as a counter-combat strategy.
    2. Causes
      1. The Argentinean government claimed the islands under the political grounds that they were discovered by the Spanish who dominated the region back in the 15th and 16th centuries. The British government, on the other hand, claimed the islands under the grounds that they were discovered by John Davis who led the British ship back in 1592.
        1. Despite the fact that Argentina was based on the historical papers in which it said that the territorial rights of the islands were transferred from Spain to Argentina, the UN decided to support Great Britain by making it the owner of the islands.
          1. One of the great causes was that Leopoldo Galtieri wanted to continue to have Argentina under his dictatorship and control, when they were just going through riots, so to divert the attention of citizens, Galtieri encouraged the war to fight for their territorial right.
            1. In Great Britain the situation was more for economic reasons; There was a large number of unemployment and Tatcher, like Galtieri, wanted to use the war for their political benefit, that is, to create a good political image for citizens.
          1. Conclusion: As a final thought I can say that both the causes and the consequences were associated with the different political and economic problems that were crossing Argentina and Great Britain, that even after a legal decision had already been made that the UN imposed it to declare Great Britain Britain, the definite owner of the islands, the Argentine government insisted on continuing to fight to try to recover the islands, which led to more problems on a social, economic and political level.
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